Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

i won’t answer ooc questions about backstory unless they are brought up ic

Also I don’t understand two licks of what I’m doing
So having that siren thing was a wtf

as in
keepin cards close to my chest

Did your character receive training from hell?
As in, training that would be worse than anything you could reasonably face?

You got it from backstory?


@Sulit is this a no comment question?

sorry for not wanting to totally reveal everything about my character

No, I get it, but you could answer questions like…
Where in Thrashapolis?

i’m not going to answer that question
don’t be a bitch and use ooc knowledge ic

I would say yes

I don’t do that.

However, I am Genre savvy.

Ooh that clears a lot.
How about the point I made of regarding your weapons? Are they Physical and Arts? Or neither?

For this, yes means one of the above conditions are true. False means it’s one or the other.

no comment

The very fact you said that clears the answer for me.

Do you have more than three Crafts?

no comment :^)

Not counting the special.


You know this is just giving me information anyway.
That was especially helpful, because it tells me if the other players do or don’t have additional Crafts.