Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

Question: Shurian, how many have contacted you about a CS?
Asking so I know how many people will be playing and can act accordingly.

CS 2.

Interest 5.

my cs is done
shu shu will be posting it tho
hue hue

I posted mine though.

I shoulda posted yours but I passed out about 12 hours ago XD

Iā€™ll be putting out a google docs link soon

just tell me what to post and iā€™ll plop it in

Gimme a bit, Iā€™m writing up 2 excel sheets

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Alright I think weā€™re fine.

Update: Visible Sheet is now available to all. All CS details will be put inside this.

but where tho


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you thought i was joking about the flute

didnā€™t you all

If three Instructors can fill up a whole 1080 pixel screen, I shudder to think what will happen when I fill in the rest of the corresponding school information XD.

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posting here so navigating between threads is easier

doing it again

Iā€™m done with the first level Monsters and the whole of the Faculty

oh damn

Wait, there are monsters in this thing?

Yep Yep.

Insert Crazed host laughter.

Seems cool. Will be busy with ToS unfortunately.