Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

this aint sandbox theatre of the mind

we got mechanics

It was a block.

did you seriously read nothing battle related

What are you even talking about?
You didn’t exactly be specific in your action either.

yea i said attack when it was my turn
you said block
a. that is not a valid action according to mechanics
b. it was not your turn

Allow me to quote the following;

Hi Shuri.

(I made a mistake, it’s supposed to be Threnvi, can’t link names to players yet)

bruh momento

Ah. Well now you guys can see it wasn’t my fault.

Also since when is block not a valid action? You’re saying you have to fight every turn unless you have Crafts or Arts available? Seriously?

…did you not read fucking anything

holy fuck i need more weed

Of course I did.
Two days ago.

how hard is this to get

There is another option - Move (to position yourself better).

Or you can just pass the turn.

So a block isn’t a valid action?
It would raise defence for a turn.

You can defend on hindsight, but… are you really sure


Isn’t it a perfectly legal move?
I block, so if I’m attacked I don’t get dealt as much damage.
What do you mean, defend in hindsight?

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it’s like
objectively better so you can try to stagger enemies