Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

I wasn’t speaking to you, but rather the only students who hadn’t already moved on… Saying that aloud wouldn’t do anything. With a shrug, Uriah remained silent.

Al keeps playing their flute, pressing forward

Sometimes, you have to keep on going, even if relationships are sour and the atmosphere stifling.

While Rhosyn twiddles her thumbs in the back not doing anything, the rest of you move towards the next monitor. It lights up 1/1 and makes way to the next monitor, which shows a 0/1. And a small floating machine was twirling around it.

Combat Shell ??? - 100% HP

Shoot the machine with my GUN


Al quickly analyzes the combat shell, seeing if she can figure out anything about it.

It is a machine with a body and two large arms the span of it’s body, that would be a huge t if it were to spread its arms. It’s made out of an unknown metal alloy and seems to be manufactured by an unknown organisation.

“It’s a robot,” Uriah stated the obvious. “As such, I doubt most of our weapons would be effective.”

Al keeps playing the flute aiming for it’s notes to hit where the arm and body meet

“Shocking, a heirloom knife can’t impale a stupid bloody object. I guess I should get on my knees and bow down to your intellectual superiority.” Aleksei scowls, annoyed at the fact he has to handle something that can’t just be gutted and fall over like those lowlife thugs he used to run into. He clenches his knife and charges the metal object anyway, trying to get a good slash in. [Craft: Courier Spirit]

(what happened when I shot it)

Uriah was considering his weapon, and his available Crafts. Seeing his classmates fighting for him, he shrugged, and took a tart from his pocket, eating it.

A bang and a flute note assails the robot. Rhosyn starts going after her fellow classmates (arriving in a bit).

Well, the robot (otherwise known as a Combat Shell, which you would know if you look at your Battle Orbments) lifts up one of its arms and approaches Threnvi!

Combat Shell - 92%

Al keeps dooting on her flute, increasing the tempo at which she plays a tad.

Threnvi backs up out of its immediate range

While Threnvi backs off from the approaching bot, Al fires off another note. The bot slams onto the ground, causing a shockwave to hit Threnvi… all while the other two are staring at the bot. Rhosyn is still not reaching the battle yet…

Threnvi trips, but uses their weapon as a crutch to stay on balance
They get back up and continue to back off while shooting the bot’s joints (for its arms)

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Uriah finished his tart quietly and drew his sword, slashing at the joints of the combat bot.

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Al keeps up the pressure, making sure every note lands

Aleksei rushes the bot again, giving it multiple slashes in its torso.

(I summon thee, @Shurian to this room! I command thee stay in my circle of safety without audacity! I summon three so I may ask thee for my purposes. So more be!)

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