Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

They simply keep playing their flute, as they have no interest in this argument.

“Excuse me for one moment. You stated ‘Please take care of me,’ did you not?”

He mutters under his breath “Interesting maneuver”

Uriah stepped away from his squabbling classmates. “I’m sorry about… all this.”

Though with the instructor she makes a mental note to bring dynamics a step from normal, making her playing quieter but still audible.

This catches even Aleksei a bit off guard. “Take care of her? I thought she was supposed to take care of us” He mutters.

(join vc)

“Enough of your polite chatter, Herschel. You are an instructor now.” The professor shakes his head.

“Uhm, let me explain the orientation exercise to all of you…” Towa shakes her head.
“This exercise’s completion criteria is giving the Professor enough battle data to progress on his research.”

“Yeah, this old fart can b- Ow!”
“Time is of the essence. I can’t have the lot of you dilly-dallying around like a herd of snails.”

“So… please insert these orbs into your battle orbments.”

All of you received a Master Quartz.

“‘Battle data;’ I was right,” Uriah said aloud as he took his Master Quartz, examining it.

“I see. First rule.”

“This place will be where our battle exercises will be held. Though, admittedly, I have never gone inside of this building, only the professor knows what’s inside.” Towa sighed. “For this exercise, I will be going in with all of you.”

The more battle data, the better. (Maybe if you were listening to them instead of squabbling >:D )

They insert it in, no questions asked

(no context)

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(that’s what she said)

His curiosity satisfied, Uriah submitted the Quartz into his orbment.

Threnvi puts the object into the place where it is meant to go in a completely normal, nonsus manner


All of them fit in the center of the orbment.

“These are Master Quartz. They possess more potential than most other quartz. They’ll prove useful for many things.”

And lo and behold, the orbment powered up. A slight light started shining from within themselves and the device.
“That means you’re synchronised with your battle orbments. Which is also known as the ARCUS 2.0, developed in a collaboration between the Reinford Company and Epstein Foundation. Some features are still in testing, and we’re here to complete the testing as well.”

Uriah nodded appreciatively at the Quartz as he returned the flip phone to his bag. “We’re ready now, I suppose.”

“I’d say we are ready, but some of us appear to have sticks up their asses” Threnvi winks nondiscriminantly, but totally discriminantly.


The flutist keeps playing, but gets quieter and quieter

the time is now

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