Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

(p sure it’s your turn first @Lightsin)

Aleksei runs over and slashes Feline C

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Al fits in a sharp note to attempt to finish off D with an [Attack]

Aleksei stabs into the twitching Feline. It bursts into crystals.

Threnvi Shoots at the B Feline. It gets hit, and is Staggered.

[Staggered - Deal 50% More Damage and Follow Up Attacks are guaranteed. Also grants AT Delay.]

And Al’s music puts the Flying Feline C to sleep… permanently.

GM’s Note: Feel free to queue your moves up front. If action is invalid for any reason, I will personally turn to a valid action.

Flying Feline A - Down.
Flying Feline B - HP - 12% | Break - 0% - STAGGERED
Flying Feline C - Down
Flying Feline D - Down
Flying Feline E - Down
Flying Feline F - Down

Upcoming Battle Order

Uriah - Rhosyn - Towa - Aleksei - Al - Threnvi - Flying Feline B

Uriah ran forward to finish the Flying Feline (B) with a light jab with his sword.

“I am done fighting cats for the foreseeable future. FUCK that.”

The Last Feline is downed. Combat ends.

Al and Threnvi have leveled up. 1 -> 3
Uriah has leveled up. 3 -> 4

“Good job everyone!” The Assistant Girl’s voice buzzed on the intercoms.

“Throwing the class right into a battle wasn’t a really good idea…” Towa sighed. Who was she kidding? Half the kids here had no combat experience against monsters, and pitting them up against monsters like these? What was the Principal thinking? Wait, it was the Professor…

The comms buzzed, returning everyone’s attention to the Professor’s voice."

“Very well. Go onto the next area. I’ll expect great things from you.”

A door opens.

The next area beneath it will be revealed when people move on. Right here kappa.

Al takes the flute away from her lips.

“Well. Shall we get going then?”

Facing his back to the others, Aleksei wipes off his knife with his hands.“I suppose that would be the best option.”

“Of course,” Uriah added, returning his sword to his back.

Upon moving forward… You see several boxes…

Then there are Stairs upwards… and at the end of the stairs, another room awaits.

You will see 2 giant beetles cuddling near the next door. They’re yellow and red respectively. The beetles shells look hard…

What now?

“Any takers for going first?”

“If you insist,” Uriah shrugged with an offhand tone.

“It would be boring if I did not go, so I will be accompanying you.” Aleskei remarks, putting emphasis on ‘boring’ and ‘accompanying’.

“You guys do realize you two have actual close combat weapons and I have my flute. Right?”

Aleksei turns to Al. “What, do you not feel safe without me around? We could send off the other 2 with sir defender of commoners and have a chat, or you could play your flute.” He frowns a bit. “Shame there’s no tea around, but I guess I will have to make do without it.”

She rolls her eyes “Well maybe the chat can be put on hold for when we get out of here, the idea of tea is very much appealing”

“Well, then it might be the best idea to get moving. I suppose we have do something about those beetles, they don’t look friendly.”

“Odds are that most of our weapons likely can’t do well against those shells so it might be a good idea to get them upside down then hit the weak point.”