Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

Uriah finished his tart quietly and drew his sword, slashing at the joints of the combat bot.

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Al keeps up the pressure, making sure every note lands

Aleksei rushes the bot again, giving it multiple slashes in its torso.

(I summon thee, @Shurian to this room! I command thee stay in my circle of safety without audacity! I summon three so I may ask thee for my purposes. So more be!)

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Correct. Something will happen later.

Nice aiming for the joints, in which it seems slightly separated. The bot starts creaking and smoking after Uriah’s direct slash at it’s. The notes land on the solid metal of the bod, followed by a series of slashes in its steel body… and finally a follow-up attack by Rhosyn into the back of its neck, who finally arrived at the scene… The series of attacks proved super effective… as the combat shell starts speaking. “Success.”

Combat Shell ??? -> 92% - 86% -> 54% -> 48% -> 41% ->17%

Battle Ended.

“What’s going on?!” Rhosyn asked as the bot floated up into the air and into the ceiling… and the monitor lighted up “1/1”.

The corridor opens up to a large room with a staircase leading up… with Rhosyn appearing slightly shocked at the walls moving around. “This place is high tech…” She mumbles.

(Is Rhosyn now an npc?)

Al keeps movin forward, switching to a more marching tune

Threnvi barrels through the available path

Aleksei turns to Rhosryn, who recently entered the room. “Of course you had to wait until the piece of garbage was reduced to mere scraps to decide to grace us with your presence. I suppose I should have expected less from people here.” Aleksei spits, turning back and following the others.

Uriah heard that, and smiled amusedly. Returning to his sword to his back for what felt like the hundredth time today, he walked with the group, not wanting to be left behind.

“H-hey! I’m sorry!” She apologises as she follows Aleksei and the others. “It’s just that this whole building is a mystery! Don’t you find it interesting too?”

There is another path that leads to this room, but the walls are still up… Or not. Instructor Towa runs in from the other path. Other than the fact that her hair is now disheveled, and her coat seemed a little singed, she seemed pretty much okay.

“Are you all alright? Holy Breath!”
A green aura spreads amongst the class, healing everyone up to smuff.

“I’m quite fine, just kept playing my flute until they all died via other people”

Uriah cast his eyes at his classmates, before addressing Instructor Towa with a formal tone he hadn’t used when talking to his fellow students. “The team building exercise wasn’t a success,” he said. “We may have fought together, but there was a serious threat of infighting as well. If this wasn’t a school, I have no doubt that it would’ve ended with blade turned on blade.”

“This is boring, yet stupid.”

“See what I mean?” Uriah added.

“No. Thing is. Every single challenge here can be solved by shooting it in the appropriate spot. Not even remotely teambuilding oriented.”

“What is up with the new formal tone sir defender? Trying to impress a fair maiden?” Alekei laughs to himself for a bit. He regains his composure and adds, “I can agree about how this wasn’t really teamwork based. Honestly I just slashed things and watched those pitiful creatures have their last breath.”

“I don’t expect any of us to become instant comrades after just meeting each other” Al sighs “We’ve all had many different experiences in our lives and that’s made us all different people.”

Uriah was about to give a retort, but Al’s words gave him pause. “I suppose that’s true,” he conceded. “Although it shouldn’t have to be,” he added darkly under his breath, thinking about his past and shuddering.

Al vaguely catches that last part
