Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“H-hey! I’m sorry!” She apologises as she follows Aleksei and the others. “It’s just that this whole building is a mystery! Don’t you find it interesting too?”

There is another path that leads to this room, but the walls are still up… Or not. Instructor Towa runs in from the other path. Other than the fact that her hair is now disheveled, and her coat seemed a little singed, she seemed pretty much okay.

“Are you all alright? Holy Breath!”
A green aura spreads amongst the class, healing everyone up to smuff.

“I’m quite fine, just kept playing my flute until they all died via other people”

Uriah cast his eyes at his classmates, before addressing Instructor Towa with a formal tone he hadn’t used when talking to his fellow students. “The team building exercise wasn’t a success,” he said. “We may have fought together, but there was a serious threat of infighting as well. If this wasn’t a school, I have no doubt that it would’ve ended with blade turned on blade.”

“This is boring, yet stupid.”

“See what I mean?” Uriah added.

“No. Thing is. Every single challenge here can be solved by shooting it in the appropriate spot. Not even remotely teambuilding oriented.”

“What is up with the new formal tone sir defender? Trying to impress a fair maiden?” Alekei laughs to himself for a bit. He regains his composure and adds, “I can agree about how this wasn’t really teamwork based. Honestly I just slashed things and watched those pitiful creatures have their last breath.”

“I don’t expect any of us to become instant comrades after just meeting each other” Al sighs “We’ve all had many different experiences in our lives and that’s made us all different people.”

Uriah was about to give a retort, but Al’s words gave him pause. “I suppose that’s true,” he conceded. “Although it shouldn’t have to be,” he added darkly under his breath, thinking about his past and shuddering.

Al vaguely catches that last part


“Nothing,” Uriah said rather quickly. “Talking to myself.”

“Cool.” Al starts playing their flute, rather bored.

Sometimes I’m proud of yall

“Umm, guys? Don’t fight!” Rhosyn panicked, though Instructor Herschel only sighed in response. “That seems to be the end of the challenge, so let’s just g-”

Surprise Mother^%&$!#s!!!

Instructor Herschel was… in an instant, trapped in a cage full of blinding light, and the staircase starts wobbling and melting into a concrete puddle, forming into a Gargolye.

“Professor! W-wait! That monster is meant for the final part of Floor 4! You can’t just brin-”


Mysterious Gargolye - 100% HP
((What better way to make ya’ll work together than an extreme boss fight eh?))

(Oh, I dunno. How about a puzzle requiring several switches to be thrown simultaneously?)

“Of course. Interesting maneuver”

Al hardly flinches, simply switching their tune to a less melodic and more driving one, sending each note towards that gargoyle

“Anybody else think this wasn’t coincidental?” Uriah questioned to nobody in particular, drawing his sword.

“Well, it’s pretty obviously planned. I’d ask the big man if you actually want to know. Preferably not now considering there’s something TRYING TO KILL US”

Threnvi fucking throws his hands in the air in frustration before pulling out his weapon with a huff.

Aleksei sighs and draws out his knife, preforming [Craft: Low Sweep] on the gargoyle