Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“Adieu” Threnvi states with a moderately visible smirk after taking the item and leaving. Smirk isn’t exactly a great word. It’s sort of a forced smile. Shit is difficult.

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As Threnvi turns to leave, the dog barks and wags its tail at Threnvi, as if saying, “Thank you for the purchase!”

Aleksei fishes in his pocket before pulling out some money. He eventually gets out 100 Mira and places it on the table. “I’ll take the pen.” It could all be a scam, but at the end of the day, if this magic stuff was true, who knows what he could do with it?

Threnvi focuses on the dog for nondistinct reasons, then averts their gaze.
Truly an epic™ moment.

He then considers his options outside of the building.
There’s a lot that can be done, but antiquating himself with the nearby town will only prove tangentially useful.
It might be worth it to socialize with prospective ‘classmates’
Thinking this, he nods to himself before reasoning that heading back to the branch academy would be the best move

and he does so

Uriah glanced down at Threnvi from the tree as he finished his tart. “It’s you again,” he called down, not unnecessarily loud, but not too quiet to be heard.

“Oh no, 100 mira was the previous price. It’s going up.”

“Say, I’ll sell the two of these to you at a 10,000 mira! Deal?” Jingo smiles cheerfully, waving the small packet and pen around. (Not like you can afford it now)

“Goods from Telias ain’t cheap, ya know! Bringing them through the channels is incredibly difficult, with the inspections getting more and more strict each day!”

Shining Pom Bait: Summons a Monster that gives Massives amounts of EXP.
Fountain Pen: A Good from Telias. Can be equipped in battle.

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Threnvi gets slightly confused for a moment before considering what might be waiting. He considers that the person who just spoke was referring to him, and then a bit of fear flashes across his face for a moment. It disappears as soon as it came.
“Who are you? What do you want…and why the hell won’t you just approach me like a normal person might?”

“I was up here before you came,” Uriah explained. “Still, if you insist.” Balancing the box in one hand and the bag in the other, Uriah jumped from the tree, landing before Threnvi. “You want a tart?” He asked, apparently unhurt by the fall.

And any empathy and ounce of relatability Aleksai had for this 13 year old girl with her cute dog was soon gone. This was what father warned about, the amount of greedy merchants that would attempt to scam him. His gaze narrowed, and while pocketing the money, he firmly states; “Nevermind. Good Day.” He starts to walk away, with his new course bound to the academy, since he had to check in.


“No, but thanks for the offer. I ask that you not do that again near me…ever. I have my own reasons for tensing up whenever someone talks to me from unknown directions.”
Threnvi sighs.
“Question. Why exactly?”

“Why exactly would I offer a tart?” Uriah smiled. “Because I bought a four pack, and there are two left.”

“Not my question, but whatever. I’m slightly more interested by your offer than I was a minute ago.”

“I know it wasn’t your question. But if you want a tart, you can just ask.”

“…Of course you did. About that tart?”

“About that tart.” Uriah passed the box to Threnvi.

“Thanks. I still find myself mildly confused about the why of you being in a tree…but it’s not like that matters. What do you hope to get from coming to the academy?”

Uriah paused, as if the question had confused him. “Same as you,” he said finally.

Branch Academy Dormitory

@Ami @Lightsin

“Well, see you later at the Faculty Meeting!”
The two people walked upstairs…

Randall Danvel


Luna Goodfield

“Oh? Who’s this?” The Instuctor asks, as Aleksei walks in.

Threnvi’s focus narrows. “That’s…peculiar. I find that my own reasons for coming to the academy are quite unique. Would you consider divulging more into the reason for your action? Nothing harmful of course, just curious”

But Uriah’s expression showed this was a conversation he didn’t want to have. “I came here to make friends, I guess.”