Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Even scum will sometimes act natural, in fact, genuine reads are probably the best way to go as scum

saying from experience

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Lol nice Ad Hominem.

I’ve never seen Sarun get so defensive and angry as town before :thinking:

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a wholesome forum game

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I’ve already had my suspicion on Livicus and was waiting for Psycho’s flip to either confirm or deny it.

The entire “Sarun bussed Psycho if he flips maf” is just a nonsensical theory as it assumes that a mafia member with already suspicion cast on them would bus someone who’s flying under the radar. This is just a stupid preposition and no sane mafia would risk losing two members when they could have only lost one.

actually the agenda of wolves shouldn’t be to become consensus town it should be to get town mislynched
buuuut you know becoming consensus town, going deep and then coming out to win at F3 works I guess


Reread your arguments. They’re one non-sequitur one after another.

I mean
Kinda undefeated in F3
Worked for me :^)

The way I see it at the moment is that if anyone’s a wolf in this interaction it’s Sarun but I don’t really have any desire to lynch Sarun today. while I may be townreading Luxy that does NOT make Sarun 100% wolf.

also I really should give Psycho’s ISO a read.

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Typically happens when people are being dumb and accusing each other for pointless reasons or whatsoever.

Read the Chess game where I was town and the VIs there wanted to lynch based on CCs in a closed setup.

This exactly

The whole premise of my argument is that psycho is town and just made a stupid play making him VI. I think scum are trying to capitalize on psycho’s misplay, that’s how the wagon gained so much traction so fast. I think Sarun is trying to bus Sarun or vice versa in order to claim towncred.

I don’t see scum making a play like psycho’s mainly because there is no benefit for scum to make that play.

Okay, get your arguments straight here. Am I:

A. Opportunistic scum attempting to mislynch a townie making a bad play?


B. Scum attempting to bus another scum for towncred?

You cannot pick both of them at the same time.

See what I mean as in non-sequitur?

It’s both. If psycho is scum, he faking a bad VI misplay to get you towncred for pushing him. Or if he’s town you’re capitalizing on a VI misplay.

So in your eyes, Sarun is lock wolf?

Sigh… read here.

99% sure he is.

So then a Sarun Lynch would provide no information from your perspective?