Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

To be fair I’m not sure I could describe how I get a feel for tone but it usually works out pretty well for me

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Yes, but it’s a bit far fetched to call someone’s tone fake, having never heard (seen(?)) it before

He’s obviously trying to act oblivious here when he backs up Livicus’ question, when there was no need too

Trying to blend in and help push the psycho wagon


Flavour means nothing, stop bullshitting.

I don’t think post when I asked him for reads, he explained it on this:

Surely someone has pinged scum to you, I mentioned this earlier.

As I said earlier, if there was no benefit for scum to make that play, why are you voting it? Sure psycho could be trying to get bussed but most people think that isn’t the case by now.

I do like this post however.

Stating to obvious, I’m pretty sure Ici could have worked this out on his own.

I like this post too, and I don’t like this Sarun post.

I like this one too.

Overall, Parfait’s opening seems really scummy to me, but later on he does seem to be playing more towny. I my gut still says he’s scum but his actions ping town to me.

It really hard to explain what I mean by tone, but you don’t have to have seen it before to be able to feel a wolfy/towny tone from someone’s posts.

/unvote for now

(First and foremost, Ici directly asked me how I was doing, and for my top scumread, I’ll go through anything else in my next post)

Woah, CFD.

Btw there is a possibility that psycho is getting bused for an ability that only triggers upon death. Totally not hinting at anything here.

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Does anyone else want Ici’s opinion on whats going down here? I just feel like he would pick up on something that others would not.

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So jester sort of passive…

Could be a possibilities.

But he could be just a VI.

Ahh ok, I didn’t see the context.

Solic doesn’t appear to be scumhunting as much like usual. He is also a little bit quieter which is actually strange. Voting him so he speaks more would be a great idea IMO and a perfect target to CFD onto.


I actually agree, I tried to get him to post more which Sarun somehow scumread as me buddying so a Solic CFD may be a good idea.

/vote Solic

If Solic flips town, that may spew Sarun as scum due to the aforementioned read.



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This was more of a fluff post to see if Mafia would confirm it (1 in a million shot, but you know)

Doing my best to not be dismissive or anything, but that was another fluff post, generally I don’t make serious posts starting with ‘tfw’ and should have added a /s at the end of that, but for the most part, I can understand what you mean

This was IIoA, but in an attempt to prompt Psycho to give a more extensive list, by reinforcing that it essentially decided whether he was lynched (looking at the votes, I was wrong about that)

It means a few things, but none were as important as I thought.
Flavour is blended into abilities, so it gives a general idea, but that’s about all.

Revisiting this, the benefits I see (at best) would be a misslynch, or getting a mafia member town cred. From a town perspective though, there is no best possible outcome, hence my vote

As for reads: read lists are something I like to put a lot of time into, and iron out any contradictions or mistakes I make, otherwise they do more harm than good, and lead to misslynching town. I take a little longer than most people, and being midweek, and on my phone, haven’t really found an opportunity to sit down and rerread all 2000 posts, but it is coming soon™

And yes, I feel we need Ici’s opinion on a lot of things. He is far more experienced than most, and I have no doubt we’ve missed something

Atm, I don’t want another SFoL 17


What was that again


Long story short; think of everything you could do wrong as town

I did that


I like this response. This explains a lot of your actions I believe and it makes me read you as town more.

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Were you in Camelot :thinking: