Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

So are we doing the entire Fey family or nah

Well we’d need Elise Misty and Morgan then. Are we counting the twins as Feys or bastard?

I’d say bastard

I’m still calling dibs on Maya :confused:

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I am also searching for a co-host for this since the player count broke 25. I’d mostly just need someone to help with VCs during USA daytime.

If anyone is interested, dm me either here or on discord.

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That was fast.

@ConfustoLook will be my co-host! Treat messages from them the same as you would from me.


Do I still get to annoy Confusto the same way I can with you?

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Wait but you don’t annoy me :thinking:
That’s memesky’s job

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no u

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@ConfustoLook you will be great cohost

but unluckily not a great bastard host

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Anyone else ships Marleste?

literally why

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What happened to the Marl Ici ship? :thinking:

/Replace out
Too big of a game for me to follow it closely, I’m just gonna be inactive if I join like fates because I just can’t read all the posts in a day

Died a natural death. :thinking:

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I ship Memesky + Pug


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