Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!


Hippo ;-;

How come do you don’t see the reaction test post do you skip reading posts too

I was still behind when posting it. Noticed he claimed conflicting role when filling up his claim to my spreadsheet.

I did skip some posts near 2000 mark tho.


So you’re vigilante?

Hey Eevee do you mind threatening to shoot Dama for me and seeing what happens? Thanks /s

I cc’ed vig as fruit vendor. Obviously.

I don’t get it

He’s saying your question is asking something that should be clear as daylight

You never know with eevee :’)

Do you have guilt?

He didn’t even claim Vigilante.


A reaction test that baits out one role .-.

It could be due to me knowing Marcus is not able to kill.

That proves nothing.

Idk what’s going on but I feel like something something subliminal message is on the under current.

See there it is again

I’m obviously 3rd gunsmith who checked Marcus :^)

so here’s a question; if i’ve been given a green check by the Innocent Child why are there still votes on me
just asking for a friend here

What are you talking about? He clearly cced my “vigi” claim

  1. I say that all my vigi softing was simply to try and read Dama
  2. Eevee misunderstands or understands that I am legitimately claiming vigilante and CCs
  3. I point out to him that it was just a reaction test
  4. He states that he may have missed some posts and that he’d 100% counterclaim vigilante as fruit vendor
  5. That second part I can’t see being anything but sarcasm.

Have I summarised well? I should do summaries at 2am more often