Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

i mean more that they’re bad in terms of “inaccurate” but not in terms of “they were written by a wolf”.
but i take your point, honestly my brain is kinda frazzled at this point so don’t expect quality reads until tommorow

@Damafaud if you was to decide who is getting vigged tonight, who would it be?

You better hope Celeste has a damn good explanation of why if you are omnimiller you came up as NS to an alignment check

Right now I can totally see you claiming omnimiller, seeing that check from Celeste throw you off because you’re actually GF and actually come up inno. Remember Ici had no idea that a cop had checked his alignment before he claimed miller.

Trying to think of an instance where he actually brings this up as GF though is hard. I’m willing to bet Ici can and would gambit this however to try and deepwolf

Anyway, with that I need to get to sleep because its 2:10am in the morning and I have a busy day tomorrow.

Sleep tight.

I claim useless after that night cause that is my last shot and there is apperantly ninja detectives and millers are sus to observer

Uhh you?

I still feel the vig and fake vig things weird

Other then me.

Court Wizard can empower checks to make them accurate, and Celeste did say that the result was 100% accurate.

marcus, you are actually thinking that wolf!icibalus would try to deepwolf when their claim is Emissary 2-shot Strongwiller Omnimiller

No one I’m sure suspicious yet

Well maybe Ichi but he’s kinda ditzy like usual

we could go back on to Luxy since Maxi dosen’t actually have an innocent check on them (he got “isn’t able to kill” when it the role apparently refers to all Mafia as only being able to kill if they have non-factional KP)

i have my vote on Insanity but they’re going to slank no matter what I do, I’ll save them for the slankvig that we probably have.

/vote Luxy

i’ll finish off my case tommorow IRL


Ima go read Luxy

A 100% accurate check on a gf is stil NS.
A 100% accurate check on a miller is still mafia

I rest my case.

But I am not inactive ;-;

…no it’s not
by definition that makes it not 100% accurate
how the fuck did that scan in your mind

the way Celeste words it it’s clear it ignores any and all ways of manipulating peeks

Tbh vigging Ici is better then wasting a lynch day on them and he is not claiming so strong role anyway.
Plus his role creates confusion.

Ont he other side… It’s killing Ici.

You empower a sheriff that checks an MM and he comes up NS right?

Not sure how miller interactions work.

Unless the checkers card states that it will bypass millery godfathery, I reasonably doubt this claim

now please can we just stop trying to shade-throw me and just agree that i’m lock clear for now, and so is eevee

i’m like… so pissed off at this role. I don’t blame Marl for it, I blame you all for making this game rolemadness when it’d be fine as just a regular mash with VTs.

Stop pocketing me.
