Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Reminds me pestilence and juggernaut

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Ici I’m not literate in Forum Mafia-nese it’s your fault for confusing me

I trust Celeste about it but when sheriffs started to became ninja and doesn’t show to lookout/tracker ?

okay then
doubt the innocent child just because not everything shows to you
do that

actually dissapearing now

Also that claim sounds more and more convenient for a mafioso.

Trackers will find you guilty
Cops will too
Gunsmith too
Scientist too and fortune teller and lookout and everyone!
No need to be scared, though. You are actually a Miller!

Dama, you play the Ace Attorney games?

But she didn’t check you herself and if there is ninja sheriff this game should be bastard.

ninja sheriff isn’t bastard
night results being wrong are so common they aren’t bastard

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Can we have some meaningful conversation here instead of arguing over something practically pointless

still bastard I already unvoted you btw if you are still talking about votes

anyone who is still suspecting me is suffering from confirmation bias or is a wolf
now stop saying things about it and just accept I’m lock clear. GOT IT

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I’ll stop saying it but my vote’s still there .-.

It sounds like too good to be true

It DOES fit Dhurke flavor wise, but I’m not sure what to think.
I’m leaning more towards, “Ici’s telling the truth”.

Okay so I’m still reading along and don’t normally reply when i haven’t finished the thread but da fuck was this comment. You know you are town if you are so why tf would you ever prefer your own lynch as that is still two town lynches fypov. Legit thats such a i wanna be tr post.

Ok, before you start accusing someone, did you get receive any feedback last night?

still reading through will respond in 10 mins

Well he is not blackmailed so /unvote


I’d vote that

Lol please don’t announce who you are gonna track or lookout on.


Not unless i am lying about it.They would still be scared to act.