Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Parfait Hippolytus, Sam17z, Livicus, Nerbins, Blizer, Captain 6/13
Icibalus Shurian, MaximusPrime, Insanity, Damafaud 4/13
Insanity Margaret 1/13
Luxy Icibalus 1/13
Livicus Luxy 1/13
Vulgard Firekitten 1/13
Hippolytus orangeandblack5 1/13


Voting System: Majority is in play for all days forward.

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Doing those “lets do a brief scumanalysis of everysingle player and put them in order of reads” isn’t actually that helpful. Focusing on a few key interactions and players you want to push is A) way less time consuming B) motivates your targets as they were singled out C) actually helps the discussion proceed D) people can actually be arsed to read all of it.

Change my mind.

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/vote Parfait confirmed scum!

Idk i wont read 1300 messages

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ur confirmed town anyway so it doesnt matter

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Oh god
Majority in play? Imma have to sleep now and I’ll unvote concurrently, Ici is convincing but I’ll keep an eye on him

OwO what’s this? I shall sleep now.

Because I am sleppy and urgh

I actualy… believe that. Lol.

/vote Parfait

Boyos we should use the day phase wisely. Although parfait v Captain is TvS and there is a scum in one of them. We should still use the day to scum read other people / formulate night actions

it’ll be difficult considering our doc outed himself for no reason

not really no

Parf vs Cap doesn’t have to be TvS. Cap is definitely a tracker/lookout which Parf doesn’t contest and confirms. I just think it likely Parf attacked ici killing Simon, and if this is true having both Ici and Eevee 100% confirmed would be amazing.

/vote Parfait

Just got up from a quick nap and I have read hell, but hey, I’ll sheep for a bit while my mind wakes up.

What did Parf claim to do to Ici again?

It was that gunsmith check, right?

They claim to have Gunsmith’d me, I believe. I’ll be lurking in thread for a while, so know that I’m watching.

did Parfait claim all of her abilities?


I’m bored.

Alright, I’m gonna be honest here, I’m a bit skeptical on how fast the Parfait wagon is moving. Without anyone defending her, this could be a way of getting scum to go for a quick mislynch with people sheeping along.