Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Icibalus was…


Dhurke Sahdmadi

“A dragon never yields. Even when wounded, a dragon bites down hard, and never lets go till its dying breath. It glares, it roars, and it latches its jaws firmly onto its prey till the bitter end.”

Leader of the defiant dragons, you fight against injustices happening in Khura’in. Your men respect you, and would die to protect you. You are the Mafia Leader.

Twice per game, at night, you may inspire your fellow mafia. All mafia actions will succeed tonight. You may perform this action in addition to performing the factional kill.

You win when the mafia’s numbers are greater than or equal to the town’s.


Judge Marl: So… the person who killed Ichy Ballus… was… Icibalus?

Icibalus: You IDIOT! Ichy Ballus… was me all along!

Everyone: Whaaaaa?!

Icibalus: I faked my own death… and I would have gotten away with it too!

Baliff Confusto: B-But how?! We saw your body!

Judge Marl: … I think we’ve heard enough. Baliff, take him away. This court finds the accused, Icibalus…


Send in your night actions!


Daystart delayed until after I wake up. Day could start at any moment after the normal start time, so get your actions in A S A P.


Two new bodies have been discovered… Can we ever stop this killer?

Margaret was…

Margaret's Flip

Phoenix Wright

“Why did I become a lawyer in the first place…? Because someone has to look out for the people who have no one on their side.”

As the founder of the Wright Anything Agency, and a veteran defense attorney, you never stop believing in your client and pursue the truth until the bitter end. As such, you are the Turnabout Protagonist.

Once per game, when you have 60% of the votes required to send someone to jail (Rounded down.) you may quote the most recent vote on you and reply with


( in order to format it like this, just type # [color=red]Objection![/color] )
After this, you are publicly revealed as town and have two public votes for the rest of the game.

You win when all of the mafia are sent to jail.

PoisonedSquid was…

Squid's Flip - Very minor Phoenix Wright - Justice For All spoiler.


Shelly De Killer

“To an assassin, nothing is more important than the trust between a client and himself.”

You are a fabled assassin, always leaving behind a calling card of a grey seashell. You aren’t merely some killer - you are an honorable assassin. Currently disguised as a butler, you are the Mafia Escort Assassin.

Each night, you may target a member of the town and cause their action to fail tonight. You may perform this action in addition to the factional kill.

You win when the mafia’s numbers are greater than or equal to the town.*

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Day 3 begins. With 22 alive, majority is 12.

Freaking Squid.

She might caused my action to fail.

you think a neutral killer exists?

No third faction is here.

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there is one less kill, what do you think?

Ici fooled me with his pathos act

I thought it was genuine

and now this leads up to Litten’s theory

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If you are not scum and actually forgot to deliver Simon’s message.
I will never forgive you.

Also, Marcus, you mind saying something?
Or don’t.

Flavor and OP have been updated.

Hey, i’m here now, also /vote Dama since Ici flipped scum, ok gtg now be back later tho i expect to hear more discussion soon


Accused Voters Count
Damafaud MaximusPrime 1/12

So here’s what I put together:
We very likely don’t have a transporter-esque role. Otherwise, Celeste would still be alive since I said I couldn’t heal them again.
Memesky is almost certainly scum because even they are not incompetent enough to forget to seance Simon.
Eevee is probably actually a vig since they are still alive and was probably white-knighted by Ici.
And Squid was certainly vigged, probably because they were voting alongside Ici.
Also nice new votecount thing Marl.

Confirmed observer saves the day.