Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Any leads?!?!

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Hey Ici, I claim Neutral Assistant Judge that can insta-jail (lynch) someone

you said your class has to do with luck


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pls ici vote me :frowning:

and Ema Skye is not an Assistant Judge

I object to that statement, Ema Skye is the best judge of character

there is literally no Assistant Judge in the entire series. You think you can bamboozle me with flavor?
Guess again.

Yeah but that shouldn’t be acceptable. We shouldn’t laugh “haha, there Celeste goes throwing again”. Nah fuck that. If she is going to be anti-town just lynch her.

Plus it does not say anywhere in OP that Jailing is synonymous for kills. Therefore we KNOW she has an ability to kill of some kind as it must say in her rolecard.

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(might be a tad angleshooty but fuck it)

She was a scientist turned detective but that’s besides the point

… sht

I think her form of jailing is synonymous to lynch

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That’s her FPSing. It’s entirely possible to discern whether she’s genuinely town or scum by how her motivations and playstyles evolve during the game.

It isn’t.

oh ok

like Marluxion would NEVER breach the sacred ace attorney flavor
onlly person who even SORTA qualifies as that is the Canadian Judge
but flavor is NAI so why should we care

did you roll gedot because you’re acting like you’re fuckin blind


Thanks Ici


/vote Hippo

Look at bad hes tunneling me