Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

I’m 90% sure after her claim that she’s town, and if she gets revealed as an IC, she’ll definitely be

/vote Celeste

Most of Sarun posts look like an attempt to get towncred in order to deepwolf (am I using the terms right? :thinking:)

She is probably throwing and wasting our votes honestly.

but is okay cuz she is FPSing 2 help town rite guys xD


You are defending someone just because the chance they flip town not because they seem town?

we worry about that after proving Celeste, it’s better if we can see her as a townie instead of an unconfirmed troller to clear up some confusion and waste less resources as a whole

Whoa whoa whoa,

This is a CLOSED setup. Do you know what that means???

It means there is such thing as scum ICs gasp

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we can move our votes again after she is proven

Statistically Celeste is more likely to flip town than not ergo it would be a piss-poor target to lynch as we have no info on her aside from her FPSing.

Having an innocent child celeste would honestly be amazing.


ICs are, by nature, town

Almost too good to be true to be honest.

/vote Celeste

/Vote Celeste

As I said, im fine with this as it can make or break the IC claim.

Also this looks like an excuse. On the FM’s we’ve been in, Sarun is one of the top players when they rolls town. Saying that they “didn’t read” doesn’t seem like something they would do.

Chess mafia was a closed setup and Solic was an IC.

if she isn’t revealed as IC you can tunnel her as much as you want, but you’d better not do it if she does show IC

I stopped tunnelling her ages ago, in fact let’s just ban anyone mentioning her.

I’m not saying there can’t be ICs

I’m saying there can be scum ICs. I’m pretty sure that’s a thing

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/Vote Livicus

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fair :+1:

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