Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

If you think I’m jailer I’m not.

jailing is same as dead, I said that earlier in-thread

Incorrect Hippo, you tried to say I was a killer

Which means u dont have the info on your rolecard

Livicus just flat out didn’t know what it was :thinking:

Marl confirmed no neuts tbh. Or else it would have said “Jail all mafia and any neutrals who harm town”


well in that case the host lied to me when I asked if being jailed meant the same as being dead and they said yes…

I got it.
It’s in italics.

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I know which is why I claimed neut

who should I believe, the host or Celeste :thinking:

By the way, we need a pact.

Thats 2 confirmed scum outta the way and if Confusto is offline rn, we have 2 mod confirmed town

If Celeste is town and NOT IC, we all start a petition to blacklist her from every game.


I just looked back at Hippo`s posts and saw his scum slip. That was cheeky not gonna lie.

Confusto is online


Now vote me pls so I can be mechanically revealed as IC

Vote is on you still

But hasnt posted since his vc :wink:

Don’t angle shoot the rookie host, basically abuse


Go on then tell me where Celeste masterfully caught me as scum

Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Psychoneirik Sarun, Firekitten, Marcus, Livicus, Parfait, Insanity 6
Sarun Solic, Psychoneirik, Sam17z, Luxy 4
Margaret (Celeste) Boss, Blizer, PoisonedSquid 3
eevee orangandblack5, Whammerist 2
Marcus Captain, MaximusPrime 2
Firekitten Htm 1
Hippolytus Margaret 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Captain Qwert 1

I’m always online on my queue and host never lies~