Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Ritual Mafia FlashBack intensifies

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That cover up was beautiful

Also you spelled my name wrong :frowning:

I cri

Or did they? /s

@ConfustoLook put Celeste because clearly Margaret isn’t something you are used to writing

/vote celeste if she does anything but reveal hang her

Good boi

This Post. You stated that it should say it in the OP, but we have it in our class cards that we need the mafia jailed to win.

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Ffs Bliz u told them where to find the slip

Now we cant find more scum with it

I apologize!

well. Shit.

Confusto is moving up in my favorite host book

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I got Baited.

See I can be useful to town too :frowning:

The only thing worse than angleshooting is bad angleshooting. Cute attempt tho.

Lol, then how did both of yall fail that miserably

Its like yall didnt read it at all

Now what everyone should be hoping is that the main character doesnt get modkilled like in fates or it might become a meme

Hmm, I don’t think that example rolecard would have the win condition. Like the example role doesn’t have win condition.


Also another reason why Im thinking hippo might be scum is

He generally treats me like a lesser player and never actually gives proof or evidence to anything I ask, but he just did after heavily criticizing that I’m bad. Which makes me believe hes trying hard.