Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

But we still have 1600+ message of no trashposting.

I didnt shitpost i found 6 scum with that fakeclaim

Vote Count ( 25 Hours 20 Minutes Left )

Accused Voters Counts
Psychoneirik Sarun, Firekitten, Marcus, Parfait, Insanity, Livicus, Margaret, Blizer, PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Memesky 11
Sarun Solic, Psychoneirik, Sam17z, Luxy 4
eevee orangandblack5, Whammerist 2
Marcus Captain, MaximusPrime 2
Firekitten Htm 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Captain Qwert 1
Boss110 Hippolytus 1

Quick Reminder!

Margaret is a member of the Town!

Small Tips to all

Angleshooting will not work inplay so don’t waste your time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Important Notices

Omfgcookies has been replaced due to a upcoming important meeting.

Sam17z will be the replacement for Omfgcookies


  • Voting System: The person with the highest votes at the end of the day gets lynched
  • There are no Journals / Last Wills / Death-notes!!! The only thing revealed when you die is your flip.
  • Day last 48 hours / Nights last 24 hours!
  • This game does not have a flavor vigilante of any kind. Flavor is simply flavor!!

Other way around

Dude we may well have more than 5000 at this rate

That explains why im red kk

Oh yeah by the way Celeste is confirmed town.

If we assume each post takes 30 seconds to read and understand it will take 17 fucking hours to catch up

I was confused why my name was red but its not AI apparently so good

Yeah right

Anyways it’s late af so I’ll see you all tomorrow but seriously slow down

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Slow down. Life is to be savoured

Am I the only one feeling that psycho is town? I think this psycho wagon is scum driven. I don’t think a scum would make such bad play like psycho IMO.

Parfait who are your top scumreads excluding psycho?

Probably jester

Not a bastard game memesky.

Not sure as of right now
Despite being 2000 posts, I think it’s a tad too early, so I’ll get back to you on that one

Also Jester is not bastard, but there are no neutrals so it would have an alignment

The fact that Parfait, Boss and Insanity are all on this psycho wagon, 3 of my top scumreads right now makes me feel this is a mislynch and psycho just made a dumbass play and is VI.

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Surely someone has pinged scum to you other than psycho

Not to mention my top scumread right now, Sarun is on this wagon but that is because they are death-tunneling one another.

Is this solely based on the wagon?

I’m currently viewing it like this:
Either Psycho is town who fakeclaimed hunter, lied for a few hundred posts, tried to backpedal, wasn’t cooperating well, memed around a bit then left

Or they were scum who tried to make a play (god knows what it was going to achieve) and it failed