Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Okay, so I’m going to start off with your scum lean on me:
First of all, fluff posting is common day 1 I personally don’t consider it AI, but take it as you will

I also wouldn’t really describe my push as trying to look strong but actually being weak. The most I said when voting Psycho was in regards to his reads (which took 30 seconds and had absolutely no information)

I’m not denying giving reads, but asking for more time so I can get them done properly, otherwise there is no point, hence why I said I would get back to you.

As for not seing what the play would achieve, that goes for both alignments, town and mafia. It’s only detrimental, and his attitude around it doesn’t help his case. The double bus theory is one of the few that make sense

Could you tell me what his actions do to make you think that he is town?

You said you couldn’t give reads because there hadn’t been enough posts, not that you needed more time:

I’ll ISO psycho now brb.

Vote Count ( 25 Hours Left )

Accused Voters Counts
Psychoneirik Sarun, Firekitten, Marcus, Parfait, Margaretx2, PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Memesky 9
Sarun Solic, Psychoneirik, Sam17z, Luxy, Livicus, 5
eevee orangandblack5, Whammerist 2
Marcus Captain, MaximusPrime 2
Firekitten Htm 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Captain Qwert 1
Boss110 Hippolytus 1

Good reasoning, which aligns with my own.

Arguing with Sarun, who is almost lock-scum to me. This may be an attempt at distancing though.

Good Analysis.
I agree with this.

These are the posts that make me think that psycho is town. @Parfait. It does seem sorta artificial but they have good reasoning behind them, unlike Sarun’s posts.

I will admit I’ve been pretty focused on Psycho’s posts alone, so I’ll take a moment to ISO Sarun to get a better understanding

I think psycho just made a terrible play, as I can see no benefit for a scum to make this play whereas, psycho was hoping Sarun would back-off his wagon if he was scum because he didn’t want to die.

MaximusPrime (Slight Scumlean): Very into the day one meme-ing, the sheer amount of fluff he is posting makes me think he may be scum trying to blend him. He is posting the most amount of fluff of anyone and stopped talking after Marl banned gifs. Slight active later on, no town motivation as of yet.

Livicus (Slight Scumlean): Jumping on the Celeste bandwagon. Trying to blend in. Basically said if Celeste isn’t confirmed town feel free to lynch her. Just stating plain obvious things in order to look towny.

Boss110 (Slight Scumlean): Taking part in D1 meme-ing. Proven to be lurking by responding instantly to Sam, even though he hadn’t posted in hours. Only posts when attention turns to him.

Simon (Null): Hasn’t Posted.

HTM (Null): Hasn’t posted much.

Vulgard (Null): Light D1 Memer, Can’t read yet.

Marcus (Slight Scumlean): Bringing up good points but they feel more IIoA than town motivated posts. Furthermore, once under suspicion from hippo, he deflected onto an inactive (Squid) who was probably asleep. Brought up scum whiteknight.

Icibalus (Slight Townlean): Looks to be scumhunting and his motives seem town-aligned. Quite a bit of apathy and doesn’t seem to want to try to hard D1. Doesn’t think Celeste is scum yet still up for her to be viged?

Celeste (Slight Scumlean): Claims to be an IC when she gets enough votes and that is why she is acting Jester-ish.

orangeandblack5 (Null): Not enough posts.

eevee (Null): Not enough posts

Damafaud (Null): Says he’s gonna lurk.

PoisonedSquid (Slight Townlean): Wants htm to read the whole thread which to me seems like town motivation.

Blizer (Slight Townlean): Thinks Celeste is town. Bringing up good points and is obviously against lynching townies. Not pushing for mislynches and is not defending Celeste in such a way that Sarun is. His reasoning for voting Sarun is lined up with my own.

Firekitten (Slight Townlean): So far, Firekitten seems to have some town motivation and is scum hunting a little. Pushing on psycho’s terrible play and scumhunting. Feels like Town!FK

CaptainNerbins: (Null) Hasn’t posted much. Most posts are memes

Hippolytus (Slight Townlean): Although a gut read for me, hippo’s visible frustration at Celeste as well as his death tunnel onto her makes me think he is town. He is leading the wagon on Celeste so he is not sheeping. Is actually trying to make conversation happen and is pushing on people.

Memesky (Null): No posts.

Parfait (Scumlean): Early posts a fluff, but I feel like his is one of the scum on the psycho wagon just from his tone and his pushing which looks strong, but actually isn’t. Doesn’t have any reads and is just wagon-ing onto psycho’s lynch. Most of his ‘good’ posts seem to be IIoA.

Qwert (Slight Townlean): He complete lack of caring for the game or people’s questions makes me gutread them as town. Also a new player.

Prealpha (Null): No posts

Psychoneirik (Slight Scumlean): His wagon onto Sarun does seem artificial, however, I still believe that Sarun is scum, or at least that there is a scum in Sarun and Psycho. Terrible hunter play, but I don’t see a mistake like this coming from scum.

Sam17z (Slight Townlean): Early gutread on him seems to be town from his pushing on Boss to actually post.

Sarun (Scumlean): His defense of Celeste seems out of place, almost like they are a scumteam. I don’t see any reason to defend Celeste in this situation as it really is just a 1v1 between her and hippo, why would Sarun jump in saying ‘You can’t read her until Day 2 or 3, so don’t vig her.’ This just really seems like scum defending scum to me. Passively defending everyone like he doesn’t want any lynches or he wants a CFD onto a townie last minute. Deflecting all the pressure he is receiving. His reasoning for voting Hippo is flawed and just feels like OMGUS.

Solic (Null) – Hasn’t done enough for me to read him at this time.

Whammerist (Slight Townlean): Pointed out what I was thinking about Sarun, almost a mindmeld.

Luxy: Me

Captain (Slight Townlean): My gut says Captain is town this game. His overall posts just seem like something that would come from a towny. Read Marg well, bringing up a good point that she likely has a gladiator ability.

Insanity (Slight Scumlean): Posting mostly fluff and then randomly wagons onto psycho. Back-pedaled after I pointed out how psycho could not be scum.

Anyway, here are all my reads. Discuss. No one is talking, come on guys lets get a roll on!

/vote Luxy

Town does not put in that much effort D1 in a 29p

I literally have no other games to play in fuck off.

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These are my day 1 reads after reading about 1000 posts. Why would I not write down what I read?


Lol I forgot to change that

70% of those reads are scumleans :thinking:

i should go find that post that says if majority of reads are scum reads, they’re evil

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To be fair I am half joking.

7/29 reads are 70%?

@Margaret Celeste (Lock-Town): Confirmed IC
You happy?


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is there a post on this forum that teaches the abbreviations? Time to catch up. Also the in game search function doesnt show all posts? is there a better way to filter?