Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

I agree with you there. I mean, i had feelings that the psycho train was a bus, but it feels less of that now tbh. Half of the players are on him, and im certain scum is on that wagon. Him and Boss are up on my scum leans right now, while insanity is either hardcore VI or scum here

I don’t exactly overlook Livicus d1 as he somehow has a perma-VI mode d1, but the fact that he’s been acting so oddly really justifies the suspicion.

Do you think insanity would be so bad as scum?

Honestly, probs not. I have more VI vibes from this in general. If he was scum, he would be more focused and would try to make that readlist look more believable.

I still think there are scum on the psycho wagon, namely boss and insanity. Whether it is a bus or just scum getting rid of their already dead town member will be revealed.

Also, don’t forget about boss guys. Lurking, and it’s obvious.

/Vote @Livicus We still have a little time. Livicus could be bussing psy.

Here’s what I think.

Everyone vote livicus right now. I want at least 5 votes in a hour.

I’d say either one works for an info lynch. If he flips scum I’d quite sure psy does as well.

I don’t think a livi flip will reveal more than a psycho lynch here.

Vote now ask questions later.

/vote Livicus

I want to see more of his posting and analysis tbh.

Insanity’s read list:

Orangeandblack - Null - Didn’t contribute much

Qwert - Slight Townlean - Though with only a few post, but he is town motivated by his last few post.

Luxy - Null - Didn’t contribute much.

Damafaud - Null - Lurker cuz of school, could consider killing him one day if he stays alive.

Boss110 - Null - Didn’t contribute much.

Vulgard - Null - Memeing.

(Will come back in like 30 min)

that alot of null tbh, i think you are VI thought

Lol wtf is this? Everyone is null?

I dont think its too bad tbh. I mean, we are going to go back onto Psycho afterwards depending on what Liv flips.

/vote Liv

We want reads now



/vote Livicus

I just can’t believe psycho’s actions are scum though so this gives psycho more time to be analysed.

How much time do we have left in this day?