Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

okay I am even more convinced that maybe Psycho is just a VI but that Sarun is scum here and pushing for a D1 mislynch

Litten is acting a bit strange, I would say he’s usually not so aggressive by following other’s leads

because he jumped onto a lot of the aggressive starts that other people made but hasn’t really stood his own ground or had differing opinions

Hello there Sarun

You fucking said that I was probably bussing Psycho and now you’re saying that I’m going for a mislynch. Which one is it?

my read on you is developing as the day goes on, I haven’t completely left the possibility of either, but I have a good feeling of you being scum

Answer me this. Am I bussing Psycho or am I mislynching him?

My intial read was that you’re bussing Psycho, as he jumped out of nowhere doing this awful test on you, and then you leading a tunnel on him right after, that possibility isn’t completely out, but now I feel that you’re also shifting to other targets, maybe trying to save your bus tactic for a later day and start with a D1 mislynch, this isn’t the first time you did this as scum

AAAAAAAAAAAAA why does everyone misuse LAMIST so often


Why would I bus Psycho if we’re both scum? If your theory holds true then this means that me, someone who already has suspicion on them would bus a mafia member who’s under the radar just for the possibility to save myself? It’d be stupid as hell for your scenario to happen.

Your theory makes no sense whatsoever.

Insanity’s reads are soooo bad in terms of how they look buuut they’re almost certainly not from a wolf

Well my theory here is after both of you got shade as a possible bus, you abandoned the idea, as one of you flipping would mean the other of you would get a lot of susp from us

Didn’t you read my post above? I still want Psycho as a priority lynch here.

Eevee might have a point on Psycho being mislynch bait here; i just really don’t see it at the moment. we only have ~19 hours left mind you so “wait and see” won’t be the best play going forward

I feel a chill down into my spine.

i’m sorry it’s just I can’t understand how you see my posts as LAMIST in paticular but the fact that literally all those reads are just conensus with “town motivation” slapped on, or someone else’s arguments used.

on the other hand i don’t actually see wolf!insanity posting them; more on that later.

Again, I still have Psycho as a priority lynch, and you have yet to respond me why you think I am scum when I’ve openly pointed your non-stop self-contradictions.

But now you’ve included other targets in your priority lynches including Psycho, so I have reason to believe that Psycho initiated a bus and that you’re trying to change the mistake to another player but not completely leaving a bus out

And can you explain to me why those three are your priorities?

I’m prioritizing Psycho.