Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

IMHO, I’d imagine the best way to clear or catch Psy would be by probing into the motivations behind his hunter gambit. It would be stupid to pull that as town, but at the same time it’d by just suicidal to pull it as scum, so yeah.

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I’ve said that the post where Psycho puts their vote onto Sarun is preeety suspicious before, and looking at it again I really don’t see the line of reasoning coming from town. it makes sense if you look at it from a purely “Psycho scrambles to post reads and show town motivation to catch wolves and not get mislynched” perspective but I think town!psycho would do a full pbpa on Sarun, even if a bad one.

I think you’re looking at this a bit too simplisticly Eevee; I’m not certain that this is Psycho being VI, I think it could be Psycho deliberately trying to look like VI.

i’ve said before that being stupid isn’t enough to have you derpcleared and pushed in the corner as Village Idiot, wolves sometimes just do things just for the sake of doing things.

This is another of Psycho’s most allingment indicative posts;

If we look at it from a town perspective, he’s trying to defend himself from the accusations which he knows are false, even if it’s a bit LAMIST.

If we look at it from a wolf perspective, he’s trying to defend himself from the accusations via a carefully concealed gambit desinged to have him derpcleared.

looking at it in context it actually makes a bit more sense to do as town, especially since he did it completely unprovoked. hrrm… Eevee may actually have a point here. I don’t think that these village idiot-y posts are enough to clear Psycho completely but I’m definitely thinking of reevaluating my read to null. Let me finish my ISO dive first.

I’m still trying to figure out the motivation for his reaction test. It’s just nonsensical for him to do it.

As town, he could have easily argued against my accusations and fought back instead of pulling a gambit like that, especially as there was already suspicion cast on me.

As scum, this goes completely against his method of operating which is to blend in and not attract any attention at all.

I could see him trying the “I’m a hunter” crap as scum to dissuade me from voting him, but the alternatives would be far better.

this is like the most obvious reactiontest in the history of reactiontests

Town psycho would post this believing it was a good reaction test that would catch wolf!sarun for some reason

Wolf Psycho would post this to get themselves derpcleared.

looking at it on the face of it either Psycho is playing us like a fiddle to attempt to get derpcleared or he actually is VI. I think both are possible, but with every majorly AI post I read my desire to lynch Psycho decreases.


still dosen’t excuse the tremendous amount of fluffposts

People seem to forget I’m still inexperienced on FM games. I might host a lot of stuff but I don’t play that often.

@Alice I can see Psycho pulling that shit reactiontest as both allignments, it leans slightly towards “Psycho is wolf attempting to get themself derpcleared” but overall I feel like Psycho should live until Day 2 at least.

I’d like to see the full motivation and reasoning behind that reaction test.

I’ll explain everything as soon as I’m able to, probably in a few hours.

well at least give us the abridged version beyond “I thought Sarun was wolf xD”

/vote ici lamist as fuck

my question is what reaction you would construe as Sarun ‘failing’ the reactiontest.

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We still have some time left, but not too much of it. Don’t dwindle for too long or you’re certainly dead

Which is another question I wanted to ask.

From his response, I don’t think he planned beforehand what sort of reaction he was planning to get.

do you even fucking know what LAMIST means?
i’m sorry but if you’re just going to use a buzzword to say that I’m suspicious then at least use one that makes sense.

Exactly. Why would he do it as scum?

lol its no fun when its so easy

The proper term is “wolf”, thank you.
Also I’m awake now.