Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Luxy orangeandblack5, eevee, Sarun, Livicus, Blizer, Firekitten, Solic, Margaret(2x) 9
Psychoneirik Marcus, Parfait, PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Memesky, Insanity 6
Sarun Psychoneirik, Sam17z, MaximusPrime, Hippolytus 4
Livicus Luxy, Qwert 2
eevee Whammerist 1
Firekitten Htm 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Htm Captain 1

What context is this? Commas are important

And Confusto, how much time is left until EoD?

K, sheep you all have a new target to vote.

Your target is Luxy. Who cares about Livicus?

I care about me :frowning_face:

But it would be good to hear out Luxy’s defense in full length, I particularly want to know why he thought I jumped on Celeste when she was acting like a fool during the early game

Problem is, he’s Australian, so timezones suck.

Maybe its cuz I havent played attorney and didnt know there was a dog character but it was fairly obvious memesky was just taking the piss with the woofs lol.

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Time is 8 Hours and 23 Minutes Until End of Day 1

If it’s right~

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We weren’t even talking about that part although Meme had me thinking his woof claim was true

Parfait believed it. That means if memesky flips scum I think par is cleared and par flips scum meme is cleared IMO.

Additionally, he marked both as scumleans for two very opposite reasons. For you, he called you scum as attempting to wagon her, for me, he called me scum for attempting to defend her. His ISO is just a walking, talking, bundle of contradictions.

At first I thought this was just him being a newbie, thing is after Ici brought up his RM and VlR games he reminded me that Luxy isn’t exactly an unskilled player per-se.

Which is what gets me confused. Scum Luxy wouldn’t be this complacent or careless

What’s the logic behind this exactly?
Is it impossible for us to both be town?

Still, his reads are just completely contradictory.

Tbh it probably wasn’t that obvious to them that they contradicted themselves.


I was stating if one of you flips scum. You can both be Town.

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That is, unless he doesn’t really believed in his reads, which leads us to…

And just being honest Litten, I feel like it’s easier to take you more seriously right now because your profile picture isn’t that of a cat