Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Sorry but im a hobo and cant defend people

Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind;

random vote seems so fake at the moment, i am just going to rest my vote on Sarun now that Psycho is replaced out.(no information gained, maybe mafia got mad at him?).

/Vote Sarun

<- - - My flavor btw

You’re actually Butz?

That’s coincidental

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Sam17z Marcus, Firekitten, Livicus, Margaret(2x), Luxy 6
Luxy orangeandblack5, eevee, Sarun, Solic, Captain, 5
Psychoneirik PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Memesky 3
Sarun Psychoneirik (Invaid Vote), Hippolytus, Blizer, Qwert 3
Solic MaximusPrime 1
Boss110 Insanity 1
Icibalus Sam17z 1
eevee Whammerist 1
Firekitten Htm 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Errors everywhere~~

Wtf, like 3 people got their exact flavors.

are you miller?

No I’m not miller

or I haven’t been informed yet

Maya would be the Miller

No… he’s… you!

butz but not miller? thinking


Butz’s thing is probably that their vote only matters if it’ll become a majority


Sup people let’s scumbag hunt.

@orangeandblack5 you scumbag participate in the discussion please or we will kill you

dude you have like 7 votes respond to that

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your lack of a response triggered me I wasn’t gonna vote you but now I am

/vote Sam

Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Sam17z Marcus, Firekitten, Livicus, Margaret(2x), Luxy, Hippolytus 7
Luxy orangeandblack5, eevee, Sarun, Solic, Captain, 5
Psychoneirik PoisonedSquid, Boss110, Memesky 3
Sarun Psychoneirik (Invaid Vote), Blizer, Qwert 2
Solic MaximusPrime 1
Boss110 Insanity 1
Icibalus Sam17z 1
eevee Whammerist 1
Firekitten Htm 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Errors everywhere~

Marcus- Sam(Current CFD)- Hippo- Luxy- Livicus- Celeste- Insanity- Blizer- Parfait- Qwert are the ones online rn
^For me to track people

I can only suggest info lynches right now.
Which are
Luxy, Livicus, Hippo, Sarun

While I do feel like attacking inactives, I don’t think inactives will be a problem unless they prod dodge.
78/100 for the mock feelsshitman

How am I supposed to respond. I can easily prove myself tonight