Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Not really imo

Nightposts are pretty common and Luxy puts way too much effort into walls

And what were your results

Checked Solic last night btw so rip.

Well Luxy, if you’re getting hung today, what’s your results before you go?

oh, that was easy

I can check 1 person a night and see if they’re the same alignment as the person the previous night. I was prevented on Solic so maybe i was occ.

Or it could be because he is dead.

Oh okay prevented is different

Ehhhh I suppose.

I don’t like Luxy trying to get associations from Sarun flipping town, town flips very rarely spew anything due to the lack of allies and Sarun probably didn’t have an N0 check, but the main thing I find interesting is that he comes out with 1 townread and 4 wolfreads from Sarun’s associations.

Also the fact that his arguments about Psycho and Livicus straight-up contradict each other. That too.

@Luxy could you elaborate on your case on Livicus.

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I think it’s a safe assumption that the scum have at least one investigative but I doubt it’s a parity cop and I doubt they’d claim as such D1

I kinda trust Luxy tbh

Probably a bad idea and I ain’t read the game like at all but that’s just my 2¢

That’s fair

Err, Qwerty actually lost his internet right after he voted Sarun up and didn’t get a chance to do the second CFD. Rip Sarun. He was quite salty right after and broke a forum rule. Anyways Qwerty lost motivation to continue improving and will likely be a burden to town. Apologies.

Been a fun learning experience for me. Thanks and /Replace out

Guys, will straight read in 3 hours. I’ll put my vote directly on whoever I think scummy then.

I still havent read the thread >_>

However, there are no 3ps and the only wolves seperate from the pack are lost wolves. You could easily fakeclaim parity cop and only twist the results when needed.

Why does this feel like a post-breakdown confession from AA?

I’m sad to see you go, but if you feel you must I wish you the best.

Please do come back for a smaller game - 29p is huge and very hard to keep up with!


I mean, Livi was the one who put the thought in my head that psycho could have been a Sarun bus, if Sarun was scum. It was half the reason I was so convinced on Sarun, also the fact that Sarun was lying.

So… I visited Hippo last night, wonder what that do.

One missed town isn’t the end of the world >_>

TvT could be the case here, though I find Luxy’s lack of confidence in himself concerning

Luxy, you do know that wolves very rarely actually gaslight people and it’s a case more used by town, right?

I don’t know… I’m getting mixed signals from you. Your build-up to the Sarun push was actually natural progression but this post-mislynch play feels a lot like me after I mislynched Squid in FoLT.

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Yea just no time tbh. No drama intended. Been quite fun, my reads were bad in hindsight but it’s my first mafia game, so no expectations.