Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!


What’s AI

Ace Ittorney. /s


you are now on my number 4 townlean because this is genius

Hey Bliz.

Alignment Indicative

It means are you saying stuff a town would say or stuff an evil person would say

You’ve said things that both town and evil people would say, thus I don’t know what you are

Well while we are on it
/vote Insanity
I think he is acting like VI on purpose so lemme try something

How do you differentiate good talk and evil talk?

I usually get found out as evil because my claim is outright bad or find evil because people act differently than usual but I haven’t been in a game lately so I don’t have a comparison

Hello. So, i went through the thread, and i dont know if its just me, but im kinda sus of the JOAT claim from Parfait (probs PTSD from PKR in Fates.) I know they are all one time uses, but she has the same ability as what Max claims, and she has the Tracker ability, plus the two Butler abilities. I find it kind of a weird set of abilities ngl.

I wanna find ninja sheriff too.I mean it doesn’t make sense a sheriff to be a ninja.

Wow… That is… just wow…
I hope you wifomed it.

Also, It’s not a nerf. It’s how classic doctor should look like in FM games.

that’s the main part that people refer to when they talk about someone’s town AI or their scum AI, most of the time you’ll see people posting stuff like “This is NAI from Marcus”, meaning I’m expected to say this if I’m good or evil

JOAT does fit the flavor for Kay.
But I suspected she would be just tracker, so JOAT might be far-fetched.

Is this a reaction test?

@Marcus_Doodalee What vig do you claim?

Maybe not maybe it is.Your call

If it’s another one I’ll punch someone.
There’s too many.

Shshsh, we shall not speak of it!

He claim slank vig, which is for da lolreactiontest.

Who did you shoot last night then?