Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

if you flip town this is conpletely my mistake but I have good reason to believe from multiple parts of the game that you will flip scum

Because I was, I honestly thought I had a great read and was going to help town.

I understand that, my town game is terrible.

MaximusPrime because of his huge amount of fluff and acting weirdly in general.
And I also suspect Livicus a bit because of their odd tone but their recent actions are making me reconsider this. I’m probably being pocketed though, mind you.

Well, here’s one tell for wolf! Luxy

He hasn’t posted his readlist, have you compiled one Luxy?

and Marcus I haven’t seen Ici this enraged

I’ll have to agree on Livicus’ post.

Even if I still dont like any of you.

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One of the other reasons for my confidence is because I wanted to actually push my reads hard this game, instead of following people like I did in Fates.

I’m not pocketing you, you could well be a scum who’s faking miller still but I feel that Luxy is more probable to be scum

The AtE, woah.

Yes I do, but no one wanted it.

then you should post it

…can I just say that I have been way more angry than this in the past and I’m sorry to take out any bit of it on you. I’m a bit calmer now, by the way.


Post it now

And regardless of your explosion, I’m still taking in Sarun’s posts concerning Luxy during Day 1

real life ici is kinda a rageaholic monster who is relatively hard to set off but will literally do anything short of actual murder to hurt people.

No problem

I kinda know how it feels to be toyed with with fake green checks cough cough @Marluxion cough cough Carnival

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Celeste probably shouldn’t have lied about that but we couldn’t do anything about it because, well she’s the only confirmed town

mod-confirmed being exact

So you’re telling me this whole explosion is NAI??