Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

I guess?

Also how many votes do we have on Celeste?

I would but all I know about my guy is he has mutant powers so :man_shrugging:

And not going to lie. Much of the posts on my wagon seemed to come from legit townies except for Psycho, whose motivations feel forced as fuck.

Poor reasoning overall as the game essentially just started. The low and focused content of my posts is basically a byproduct to this.

Works purely on assumption here. Additionally, as scum there’s no reason for me to stop an obvious mislynch here.

Never mind that no game has ever been as spammy as this one… Plus, “Sarun is one of the top players when they rolls town.” just feels like a shit attempt at pocketing and the rest of the post could have easily been fine without this sentence tbh.

And there’s also the fact that this is one of the few posts from him where he is analyzing shit. Overall this looks like a poor attempt to mask sheeping or just to blend town in general.

HOLY FUCK Simon has arrived!

gr8 deflection i r8 8/8

Fk got Winston. That fucking sucks.

The whole point of voting Celeste was to confirm her IC claim

not to lynch her

I get a town vibe from most of the people there such as Blizer and Wham, but for Psycho it just feels so damn artificial.

Lol stop saying things everyone already knows and give some reads dammnit.

I’m severly disapointed at lack of objections and hold it in thread when acussing each other.

It doesn’t actually seem too bad though.

He asked you who the scum were.

Gifs are banned.

Alright, give me a while

I goddamn said Livi always has scummy reactions to being pushed

Thread was getting too spammy, so Marl had to ban gifs from it.

Gifs, not pictures.

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I’m convinced Sarun vs Hippo was TvT after he posts this comment. Change my mind

Gifs as of animated pictures as much as I could understand. Not if you threw a static picture there from time to time.

This is rigged

I re-read Hippo’s posts that got buried in the spam and the entire purpose for his push on you felt more genuine, tbh.