Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

So flavour and alignment rolls were separate. Good to know

I know they are, but I’m not certain about abilities. I think they’re separate also.

I’d like you to elaborate your reaction to mine and Hippo’s scuffle over Celeste.

I know this will sound lamist but since there are no logs I need to write this in case Im lynched before I come back. I don’t mean to throw or troll, I actually thought my hunter claim strat would work. Just a headsup before you guys get mad at me.

I don’t think psy is town here. The fact that you can look at their reads for one second and see that no effort were put into them. And the other reason is the reasons stated above.

What did you hope to accomplish?

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To avoid people from thinking I was throwing or something after I flip town.

not that what did you hope to accomplish with claiming hunter. You said he passed your test but that had no effect on your reads so what did that mean?

We already have Celeste for that, Psycho.
You didn’t have to bother fakeclaiming.


Holy shit you’re trying to do that thing Blizer did in Blender when he was lynched d1. Uh-uh, not gonna work here buddy!

I thought if I claimed hunter I could somehow get Sarun to backpedal and catch him as scum. However later I realized he could have just guessed that.

Squid, what’s YOUR flavor?
You too Sarun.
This probably won’t impact the game, I’m just asking for the heck of it.

…Dont Remind me of that. Lesson learned.

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facepalm You said it will sound lamist and you said it anyway

Im not trying to achieve anything. Just keep that in mind AFTER I get lynched.

What is this. Actually I question this.

Oy remember I genuinely thought you were lock-town after that. Scum genuinely wouldn’t bother that much on death row

Hey, I don’t go completely high over flavor in every game, that was just Fire Emblem

I feel like that’s my motto for this forum

Well Livi this is some people’s fire emblem.

NGL if you are town you should try a little harder. You aren’t dead yet and your reads need a little more work as they seem like they had no work. Make more reads.