Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Lookie there

Remember to protect me tonight

Celeste, question.
What was the requirement for revealing you as IC?

A certain number of votes

are you lying again?

What amount.

No vote me enough and I reveal >:(

60% of players

Last time you claimed, it was five votes.

Aka I must reveal today or else I dont get to ever again

let’s me guess you have rebound-like ability?

No u nub

Celeste, another question.
Remember last time you claimed IC, was actually a vig, and died shooting town?

Dont remember that

so you need 18 people to vote for you to reveal?

Good Bliz doing the math

After I get that number I just need to say my catchphrase and I reveal

that sound impossible

What’s the catchphrase?

2 bad do it