Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

In my book, it is :wink:

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Counts
Marcus Captain, Blizer, MaximusPrime 3
Firekitten Htm, Boss110 2
eevee Marcus, orangandblack5 2
MaximusPrime Margaret 1
Livicus Solic 1
Damafaud Vulgard 1
Captain Qwert 1
Blizer Insanity 1
Margaret (Celeste) Hippolytus 1

Hippo I believe there are some guiltless TK in here. I don’t want to waste a vote on Celeste when someone can always kill them.

I believe solic was lying about being a merc.

Hey Sarun, do u know who/what im claiming?

what would be the point of that though

Eh from playing with her, Celeste is readable after a day or two. Right now I wouldn’t exactly concern myself with her.


Solic voted me?

is this a continuation of FM Fates

Neutral Prince with a Jester wincon. Duh.


O btw, all I need yall to do are vote me until I can do my thing and then you can CFD to a trashy player

Yeah but I think we have alot of one-shots and I can envision all 4 TKS wasting it on celeste lol

oh really, what’s your thing with us voting you?

But whatever she is, she is still Celeste. If she wants to troll there is no way killing her is a bad lynch.

I’m a literal town hate absorber and it legit triggers me cuz I hated Gladiator

As I said before, she’s annoying, but readable past d1. If we don’t find anyone to lynch and we end up having to default to a generally unhelpful player I’d probably go for Meme.


pls vote me :frowning:

Meme is not claiming Neutral though.

I’d say Meme has been slightly more helpful as of late

aight start tunneling marl then
that’s how you absorb town hate LMAO

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Also I like Meme anyway he’s actually pretty clever.

When he tries.