Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

You do indeed!

Well i agree with having Marcus in your list.He seems to be pocketing Qwert.But i don’t like to be in list.

Could you please care to explain who you suspect the most out of these people?

Shall I claim my class and/or flavor then? I’m not particularly important so /shrug

I am prob in it bcs i asked for flavours betting for it

I feel Maximus’ amount of fluff is far too much, so I would say Maximus is my prime suspect.

I think he is something akin to the psychic from ToS



does this mean I’m not allowed to spam gifs anymore

I think this is his gut read.Not like psyhic vision

Only spam responsibly

I sorta agree with you on Maximus @Vulgard, but for a different reason:

this post feels like ti dosen’t quite come from town. I can safely say that while I don’t actively suspect Maxi is a wolf yet, he’s definitnely a person to keep an eye on.

Honestly there’s been too much memeing for me to read anyone, and i generally suck at reads, especially d1 anyway…

but i can claim if y’all really want me to


I’ve been doing that all day lmao

Marcus still has one chance to guess my flavor, which I will then out myself

It’s never a good idea to claim Day 1 unless if you want your head on a skewer

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This feels like strong LAMIST to me.


Hold it!

This is a closed setup! Which means, you don’t actually know whether any claim is true!

  1. I’m actually quite weak, trust me, i would know
  2. I’ve done so before and it’s worked out every time
  3. I can do what i want lel

Ok so i don’t trust my reads so much but is that pocketing or do i feel like it ?

Fair enough. I do feel like I’m always very LAMIST when I’m town