Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

Well, I’ll let Over decide .-.

And guys, unvote.

Why is HTM even on this wagon .-.

They are literally confirmed scum.

Executioner is not scum, they are a Neut, there’s a difference

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No they are a wolf.

Seriously, I can’t do shit except try to persuade people and you know I’m trash at that

Yes, they claimed Executioner, but we still have 24 hrs to discuss…

Literally you are always going to be a vote against the town.

See, Insanity is using his brain here, we need to discuss who could be Mafia/NK

I don’t have to do it right away, I can still help out

Not saying that you are going to be alive EoD tho.

“I don’t have to vote against town right now I can screw them later”

@Insanity vote on Squid or I’ll vig you tonight.

Now I’m sad
Alexa, play Ocean Man

Hold up, we still have 24 hours! We need more discussion!

Seriously, who the hell is Mafia and NK?!


But we do want more discussion time.

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Nothing is going to hurt if this drag out for another 10 hrs or so?

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Ok, as I said. ISO marg then.

Htm and Squid are outted scum.