Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

@Margaret get here fast please.

Also, Luxy’s logs were added to the day start post.

Insanity is lock town to me tbh. He has the loud mod so I know he visited me

Lets complete Luxy’s logs. This is Ici’s response

Hello there. Let me start this by saying that if you are who I think you are I think you’re a likely wolf, so I’m NOT going to tell you my class for security. Fortunately, I have some “spicy reads” for you that you should definitely enjoy.

First of all, I’m going to get this out of the way:

I disagree with you on the marl read. Lemee explain. Marluxion has learnt his ways in the firey pits of MafiaUniverse and has gained the ability to out wolves based on the tiniest scrap of evidence he can find. That accounts for like 50% of his odd-sounding behaviour since that’s the meta on MU, to make short snappy posts that analyse things quickly. (It’s probably because they usually play with 12 hour days and 12 hour nights). Secondly, he has NOT been trying to pocket me considering that he’s been actively wolfreading me for some reason, I’d like it if you surreptitiously explained this during the day.

Also, I think you’re misinterpreting his posts; I understand why those behaviors could be considered odd but there isn’t any wolf motivation behind them, and I can see the village motivation as well.
Finally, I find Marl flip-flops a lot on his reads as both alignments, it’s not a sign of bad play imo I think it’s one of his best strengths.

Of course, I’ve only explained why he’s NOT wolf, I can’t actually explicitly say he’s village but if I have to be honest I’m utter shit at reading Marl soooooooo yeah.

Now, on to the main topic of this: My reads.

I’ve already stated I think you’re a wolf because imo your tone has been very off to me this game. I can’t quite explain it but honestly i don’t need to.

htm is literally openwolfing and don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise.

Margaret and Sam are both lock village from my perspective. Believe it or not Margaret is a stupidly easy read; all you have to do is look for attatchment to the game and BLAM you’ve got yourself an accurate Celeste read. Sam is village because of his reaction to my reaction test; hopefully you did actually read my posts on that because I’m super proud of that test tbh

Leaning village on Solic and Insanity, Solic because of his tone and generally villagery posts, and Insanity because… well, mostly because my gut says so tbh.

GamerPoke is a 50/50 but I don’t want him lynched. imo he’s a far more likely vig than a lynch. With any luck the vigs will be on point tonight and he’ll die.

feeling like PKR is village but again it’s just my gut again, I think i’m going to have to case him soon (might be edited in the final edition of this response)

I’ve already explained Firekitten, so I won’t bother to do it again, but I’m definitely going to hard push him tommorow for his reaction, which should be very juicy.

I’m feeling like Squid is neutral wolf (again, don’t quote me on that) and that overthebin might be wolf? overthebin’s been inactive so I can’t really get an accurate lock on them but Squid has been giving me “off from village slightly but not overly wolfy” vibes from when I replaced in which indicates uninformed minority to me. Have a look at her tommorow, s’il vous plais.

well, that’'s everyone accounted for in a long rambling stream of annoying conciousness punctuated by paragraph breaks. Good luck catching wolves, probably Luxy.

Gamer say nothing.

Just completing some logs

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
HTM GamerPoke, Sam17z 2/5

Vote Htm fire

/Vote htm

I literally did tho

Im going to sleep, Please Hammer @Insanity

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
HTM GamerPoke, Sam17z, Firekitten 3/5

Why are you trying to CFD off of Htm who is Confirmed scum? No one could be more confirmed scum than Htm

did I not just fucking say to let some discussion happen

Celeste you know as soon as ici starts talking people are somehow going to Unvote htm and vote someone else.

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I’m literally pressing the panic button over and over literally we need to lynch confirmed scum fast, put your thoughts in your logs. Htm is already confirmed scum.

That wont happen

We got like 3 bois that agree htm is confirmed scum :thinking:

Yeah Htm is Confirmed scum. So… scum should just forfeit imo

/vote htm thx for checking me insanity

Htm checked me and he said I am NS but I am clearly a miller you can’t get more confirmed scum