Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)


/pre-in and regret it


laughs in poor formatting



/pre in

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Prob will suck at this

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While the queue is still going and since some people still need help with the idea behind this set-up, here are some examples of the rolecards that may appear in the game to clarify what the mod/adjectives are. Some adjectives are essentially passives that may help, such as the Influential mod allowing their user to double vote, or hinder, such as the Miller mod messing up investigative results if the user is townie.

The Influential, Vengeful, and Miller Sheriff

Town Investigative
Influential (Passive) - You vote secretly counts as two during the day.
Vengeful Check (Passive) - Your first accuser’s check result will be revealed to everyone if you are lynched.
Miller (Passive) - You will be seen as a member of the Mafia to Sheriffs and as a Killer-type to Detectives and Consiglieres.
Check (Night Action) - Learns if your target is a member of the Mafia. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Mafia and any Neutral Killers that may exist.

Other mods such as Energetic or Slothful essentially modify the user’s primary night action, such as allowing them to either act twice in a night or adding a cool-down period to them.

The Energetic and Sneaky Sheriff

Town Investigative
Sneaky (Passive) - Your visits will not be seen.
Double Check (Night Action) - Selects up to two targets and you will learn if they are members of the Mafia. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Mafia and any Neutral Killers that may exist.

Finally, some of the rarer mods such as Traitorous or Neutral Lovers essentially are a faction flip.

The Traitorous, Enigmatic, and Decisive Sheriff

Traitor Investigative
Enigmatic (Passive) - Investigative abilities will fail if used on you.
Decisive (Passive) - You cannot switch your vote to another player if you’ve already cast it.
Check (Night Action) - Learns if your target is a member of the Mafia. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to see the Town fall.

Obviously, there will be discretion applied when it comes to which class rolls what mods, so the game-play balance will not be too much impacted by them.

Additionally, in order to further quash mechanical confirmation, Background abilities were added to the NKs.
Take for a example this Mass Murderer card.

The Atheist, Enigmatic, and Influential Mass Murderer

Neutral Killer
Atheist (Passive) - You cannot be converted to the Cult.
Enigmatic (Passive) - Investigative abilities will fail if used on you.
Influential (Passive) - You vote secretly counts as two during the day.
Elusive (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night nor die from maladies.
Rampage (Night Action) - Kills your target along with anyone who visits them while bypassing Bodyguards. Can only be used in odd nights. - Infinite uses

Additionally, you can select an additional one of the four abilities below.

Casanova (Night Action) - Roleblocks your target. Can be used on either even or odd nights. - Infinite uses
Motivator (Night Action) - Gives your target either the Focused or Influential passives. Can be used on either even or odd nights. - Infinite uses
Extrovert (Day Action) - Send a message to the host with a target. The target will receive the message anonymously and they will be able to reply to it during night-time. - Infinite uses
Manipulator (Day Ability) - Informs you of your target’s Bastard modifier, if they have one. Can be used on either even or odd nights. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to exterminate both the Town and the Mafia.

The Atheist, Enigmatic, and Influential passives are obtained from the mods, meanwhile the Elusive is a given passive and Rampage is the class’ main night action. While in the beginning of the match, the NK will be allowed to pick one of the four available Backgrounds, based on which NK they roll, and they will gain the corresponding abilities, similar to how Cult Points work. The purpose here is to both grant the NKs more freedom, them being a one-man faction, while also defeating the idea of mechanic confirmation as even the NKs will be granted non-killing abilities on the side.

Basically, a tl;dr to how the mod system works. See the mods as randomly-generated passives for your role as I don’t think some people got the full idea behind it.

Also I added a change on the Bmods. At least one player and at most a fifth of the total number of players will have one, and the number of Bmods that spawned in the game will be announce at the start of the first day.


Oh god what the hell is this?

It looks good and then you get that feeling that chaos will ensue. If only this game was semi-bastard. Would be lovely.

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My dearest Margaret, don’t you know the rule of bastard FMs?

Every FM is Bastard, you just don’t know it yet!


Sarun do you have an approximation of when this will start? If its far enough that I won’t be multi-tabling 2-3 FM I’m happy to /co-roast host

I knew this game was low bastard cuz of the Bastard Multiplier. I just want him to up the bastardness :wink:

Well, there are 6 games in front of this… WHICH IS WHY WE HATE THE FORUM QUEUE.

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There aren’t any hard action results to give so, I doubt a co-host will be required lol


I have a feeling there won’t be a single person who remembers all the interactions, not even the host/co-host

Not insulting the OP or anything but it seems like a wall of text.

The Answer to My Problem

Just use multiple of these to seperate the classes. Put the class name as the title and the class inside.

