Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

Roughly 12 hours and 14 minutes until the end of the day.

I also don’t like this. He didn’t explicitly lie about anything. Let me see if it can be town-motivated to not reveal your mods.

That’s only if 2 of the town in that scenario hold the innovative mod.

Outing mods is not necessarily a good thing. It can aid Mafia in target selection. They would go for an Energetic town over a Slothful one for instance. It would be good for Gamer to keep that info hidden. His reason in hindsight is not that great though. The scum vote to obstruct your vote would just be the same vote. I’m still more susp of Captain though.

Poke, who do you want to see lynched today and why?

I dont have a complete lynch target yet but captain not defending themselves puts them on my sus list


You better come up with something definitive, because you aren’t really providing much of a defense yourself either… making you equally scummy as Captain by your logic.

(Note this doesn’t mean: please hardclaim)

/vote Captain

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
Margaret Margaret 1/9
Overthebin HTM 1/9
Firekitten Hippolytus 1/9
Captain Firekitten, CarnivalMaster, Marluxion, Sam17z, Solic, Memesky 6/9
Insanity Captain 1/9
Solic Overthebin 1/9
GamerPoke Luxy, PoisonedSquid, Insanity 4/9

HTM is Lynchproof, ergo cannot be lynched until the fourth day.

From the 3 people who voted me, one of them has influential.

Insanity has it.


Roughly 6 hours and 51 minutes until the end of the day.

Reminder that if no majority is reached by then, then nobody will be lynched.

Hmm so can i get reasons why i am voted again ?

No tell us why you’re innocent or I’ll vote you too

Good but i am easily confirmable to be innocent so don’t make me do that.

Easily confirmable, huh? Please elaborate on that

1 Like

/vote Captain


Explain yourself :slight_smile:

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
Margaret Margaret 1/9
Overthebin HTM 1/9
Firekitten Hippolytus 1/9
Captain Firekitten, CarnivalMaster, Marluxion, Sam17z, Solic, Memesky, Insanity 8/9
Insanity Captain 1/9
Solic Overthebin 1/9
GamerPoke Luxy, PoisonedSquid 2/9

HTM is Lynchproof, ergo cannot be lynched until the fourth day.

Unvote, we don’t want someone to lolhammer


I forgot I have that mod.