Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

I hate auto correct.

There is absolutely no way anyone could have known that.

Most of sam’s reads are fluff but he’s still Level 1 so I shouldn’t be surprised.

The motivation behind it is the important thing. Weirdly I’m having a hard time gauging Sam’s motivation for posting reads in such a format and way, so I’m going to make a controversial decision and say that while unflipped these reads are completely useless for the village.

It was just the vibe I got, maybe he tried to whiteknight meme

in short my read on Sam literally hasn’t changed at all and he’s still staying as a wolflean
same thing for firekitten by the way, I really don’t like their tone this game so far, plus the aforementioned analyiss of the Firekitten/Sam interaction

Your level 1, give me pointers on how to improve instead of calling my reads useless

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I find myself agreeing on the scumreads though. I just find outing miller status so late to be condemning. @Luxy What’s your take on this situation?

Like not all mods should be outed, but it only helps town in not wasting checks to out miller early

i’m saying that you’re looking at the content rather than the motivation like wolves are Machiavellian masterminds who manipulate discussion with language tricks and votes whereas what they really do is try to deliberately misread people.

Also you have an overeliance on meta and buzzwords and things you’ve heard experienced players say, such as the reasoning for your Captain read.

…The reads are still bad while you remain unflipped however.

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“Better to be feared than love”

This kinda makes me want to root for Sam to have 100% correct reads and to quote that read list back to you at the end of the match NGL. But you could have scum agenda anyways.

Having accurate reads dosen’t mean just guessing who the wolves are and then fabricating reasoning for those guesses, having accurate reads means being able to spot village and wolf motivation through the right methods so you can do it consistently.

it would still be pretty funny though I agree.

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@Kirefitten when you next can could you go and do a look at Day 1’s EoD for me? Knowing that the top wagon was a villager can give us some vital backreads based on the EoD play and I’d like your thoughts on them.


But I did that already no?

Or you want to cross reference me and fire’s reads

/vote Luxy

Indeed I do. if you could present a case on Firekitten that would be great as well since he’s strangely absent from your reads.

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Nope, no case on firekitten is necessary

As I said firekitten is my highest town read

Re-read Firekitten, please.

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