Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

Sam, a reminder that you’re cleared of all suspicion to me and that getting into a pissing contest with firekitten is going to end badly for all of us, even if they are wolf.

why does everyone feel the need to tunnel here


the fact that I’ve been basically unable to post any content that dosen’t pertain to the Sam/Firekiten interaction in some way shows how bad for village tunneling is even for the people outside the tunnel

I’m not convinced. What am I sheeping?

I need to think about that since my vote will lock once I pick someone

Owhhh that’s true. I guess that makes sense. Who would you want me to vote though and why?

For now, I think Poke would be the best vote due to the lack of motivation and poor reasoning behind his actions

I didn’t heal anyone tho. Was saving my heals.

You have unlimited heals…?

No. Limited heals for this game unfortunately

So you have thrifty then.

@Alice How many of a single class can exist

One more note. Supportive classes don’t affect me. So save your abilities for someone else supports.

And why is that :thinking:

Vulnerable modifier.

O rip u

why would you say that though.

Hey FK who all has claimed doc

I rather let the supports target someone else, not wasting their ability

Sam and bin,

@overthebin sometimes it’s best to say nothing as not all information is useful you shouldnt of said anything about your modifiers tbh.

Add me to that list but only as an unknown healee

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