Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)


Errr anyway…

This combination of posts is wolfy. The village motivation for posting this is very simply that Luxy doesn’t want the wolves to know PKR’s claim… But the second statement seems a bit odd for village!luxy to post.

If we look at this from the perpsective of Luxy trying to shade-throw insanity while appearing to be village it makes a lot more sense. It’s a far more plausible motivation than Luxy’s village motivation for these posts.

Wolflean on Luxy.

Let’s start the case on Firekitten as abruptly as Firekitten “outs” htm. Let’s have a look at the motivations for posting a flawed wolfslip.
V: Firekitten is trying to out wolves.
W: Firekitten is trying to get an unbelievably easy mislynch on htm after he’s lynchable. Remember, htm is mislynch bait always and him having more days to dig his own hole.
W: Firekitten is bussing htm.

Both of the wolf motivations seem far more likely than the village motivation here But that’s clearly not enough, so let me continue:

Firekitten is blind and not noting the lynchproof announcement, but that’s besides the point. Is it just me, or does this switch of votes really not make any sense for a villager to post?

Like “I’m switching my vote but I don’t like it” has NEVER benefited village, and it really dosen’t feel like something village!firekitten should or would be posting.

This is reinforced by this:

again, this doesn’t make sense for a villager to post, but you already knew that. Moving on…

interesting that Firekitten uses this as an argument when they clear Luxy for doing the exact same thing tommorow. It shows a disjoint in their agenda that indicates wolf to me.

this post feels like fluff but Firekitten fluffs a lot so I guess it’s NAI

Also, Firekitten NEVER justifying his Captain argument is still fishy and wolfy as hell.
Firekitten always justifies their reads and it feels super super weird to me. I very much doubt that it was a reaction test like he’s likely going to claim it was.
Moving along…

This is what I call Firehtm disease, where you use chronic self-meta as an argument. The passive-agressive way he says it in is very strange, however, the village motivation behind it dosen’t make sense. SO yeah, this is a wolfy post.

Then we move along to Firekitten’s bizzare Sam interaction. There’s noot much I can say about this that I haven’t done already, but FIrekitten repeatedly saying “You aren’t Doctor” without explaining why dosen’t make sense from a village perspective.

Firekitten’s using information instead of analysis to try and justify his argument here, and it makes his Sam read very artificial.

In short, I’m like 60% sure Firekitten is a wolf.

/vote Firekitten

Another reminder that Sam is lock village and anyone who’s voting him needs to unvote or be claiming wolf.

Not really, Insanity does this all the time and I’m just drumming it into him one more time. (shrug)

Firekitten is probably town, he is actually doing quite a bit of analysis which he doesn’t as scum.

Except it’s fake analyis. Have you actually looked at Firekitten’s motivation for posting paticular things? I’d reccomend you look at fIrekitten not in terms of content and instead in terms of motivation and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

bearing in mind the 60% is likely to spike up at some point, there’s just one paticular thing I’m looking for before I say he’s 100% a wolf.

I’m at about post 600 right now and I’ll get back to finishing my reads in about an hour

I’m quite sure Firekitten is town unless he is the mafia analyst also.

If you think Firekitten is scum, why do you think he’d so aggressively lead a CFD mislynch and what does that make your stance on Captain? You’re also contradicting your earlier point in that you said Fk vs Sam is either TvT or SvS. :eyes: You can change your mind of course, but I just thought it’s interesting.

that “…shit” feels genuinely like a wolf saying something that he shouldn’t have and realizing it

/vote Icibalus

@Icibalus can you confirm whether this interaction is a joke between friends?

Also my ok readlist is done, though I’m not sure how good it is this time round.


So that’s a real interaction there and not a meme?


i mean
it’s partially a meme? i have no idea if ici’s response is a meme

Ngl I don’t like that response but I think you’re scum if your side of that interaction is not a meme because it is the cherry on top for your activity this game.

/vote Marluxion

I will not be lynched today