Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

we can do this the easy way or the hard way

Maybe not but I think you’re scum

trust me
for town’s sake, you dont want this done the hard way

Inb4 Dayvig

if i have to out myself town is going to be pissed
that’s all i’ll say

so kindly remove your vote from me, heathen

Why, I don’t like any of your interactions this game and they seem super off from town!marl’s usual AI.

that’s because my role isn’t the usual town!marl role

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and my modifiers put me in a very unique scenario

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Hmm, I reread the possible classes so


You mean traitorous? :eyes: I have no clue why else you would bring class into this except to signal Luxy.

You’ll figure out it if you think hard enough

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Well you can’t exactly ‘signal’ Luxy when Luxy is town :thinking:

Clearly I’m a Hated Adored Citizen


Explain to me why you unvoted please.

Work it out but don’t say what you think it is in the thread

Because I worked out what he probably is

Yes… Think very carefully Luxy >_>

Use that big brain of yours!

Top scum besides htm/captain?