Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

like even with the decisive modifier Squid would likely vote Poke at this point in the day, I’d believe.

How much time is left @Alice

@Kirefitten other than Sam (who you have a false guilty on I’m certain), Poke and Insanity, who do you think is wolf and would want to lynch today if they all became innochilds?

/vote GamerPoke

@Captain when you next get on I expect you to cast your vote with a detialed explanation as to why.

/vote GamerPoke

I want you to actually analyze and interpret some posts to discern the aligment of someone, instead of either full on quoting them and labelling them or going into class mechanics.

Could i get a vc

It took you quite long to type that, interesting.

Ngl, I can’t actually think of anyone else right now, totally not a excuse because I have to go right now

The closest one right now is squid but I’m not convinced enough to vote them, the only thing they did which struck me odd was them voting, when you literally said before they are scummy for not, and plus the fact that they can’t vote someone else right now.

And this is wolf-indicative why…?

It’s not enough to say what they did was odd here. I’d prefer something that’s actively a wolf tell.

Because, if I had decisive I would be careful before voting someone and it looked like they were prompted to vote them

If Squid is a wolf they likely have decisive still. I don’t think they’re brave enough to fake something disprovable like that.

I agree that it’s wolfy but from a totally different perspective to what you’ve got.

Not saying that you’re wolf for it but you still haven’t actually explained why that indicatesx Squid is a wolf, which is my problem with a lot of your analyisis and other people who say you’re village because of your analysis.

I mean look at it this way. If you were decisive, would you vote someone then. I wouldn’t, I would have waited as it’s my only vote.


Can you be more active?


I would like to vote her, but I have influential.


Vote count :3

Gamerpoke are you a he or a she?

Ok sure.I can be more active.

Icibalus replaced in for hippo

PKR replaced in for Carnival

Ici claims the miller modifier I don’t think Ryan does. So check Ici not ryan

He, also Insanity if you would read, you would know the story behind that