Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

Imo if he is scum he isn’t mafia as I don’t see them interacting like that, also htm was repeatedly saying “meme is town he isn’t scummy he always meme as town” it wasn’t even a real defense of meme tbh it seems more like a grab for Town credit BUT that doesn’t make sense as he can’t be mafia.

Also now I didn’t ask for what you thought of ici and me I asked what do you think of ici.

Also what makes you think it’s T V S

Interacting like what exactly?

See, captain wouldn’t put a scummate out like this IMO. It seems here like he wanted to cause a mislynch between them that’s why I don’t think they are mafia.

Also it’s early on so he wasn’t being suspected so it’s not filled with WIFOM

There is literally nothing conclusive in that statement and you’re still using Captain’s posts instead of Htm’s in isolation. Something I specifically didn’t want you to do.

It’s like it can be TVT or TvS or whatever blabla and that makes you think he’s shading them? I don’t see it.

I’m saying he’s scummy but he’s not mafia scummy. Also it is because it looks like he is trying to setup a mislynch.

PKR was threatening Htm with a vig claim and PKR died as well. Don’t you find that interesting?

wait I found something target located

K cool

It must be an Arso or Head cultist game with the kills that we have had by the way. Cultists will still show associations at least.

This would have been the perfect time to actually put suspicion on htm, expect he tried to make him seem like a VI, when if he was scum I would have expected them to put them as scummy to be able to get a mislynch off.

There’s also the fact that captain said it could be T V S then focused on bin and never looked at htm again,

Aka I know my person I’m checking tonight. If we have a lookout or whatever can you WIFOM me and and another person. Mafia prob have a consort as I was prevented from checking my target.

Also now what do you think of ici. Don’t put him as T V S with me tell me what you think about him.

So I’m missing your conclusion from this?

Conclusion:Htm actually is mafia and captain tried to put it as a S V T BECAUSE he was over focused on bin and at first tried to make htm look like a VI “soft defending him”

Right, that’s what I was getting from that too for ages, that’s why I wanted to get your thoughts on that first, because that is one of the few scummy things you kept doing. Soft defending Htm.

So what do you think about ici.

We are also at LYLO I just realized.
Or mylo whatever one