Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

@GamerPoke Vote pls

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Or @Insanity vote this as well

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/vote Sam

buserino haha

… what the hell…

@Kirefitten Well uhhh u sure about sam

We either call his bluff or vote someone else

Vote Ici first as he’s confirmed scum. I don’t want to take a risk.

Heres the problem though, if we lynch Ici, the other kills one of us if we don’t go for the mafioso first

I think Ici knows that and outted himself so that he could be the lynch target and get a guarenteed double kill (since they might use lethal injection) and by then, we would kinda be screwed. Maybe he has a modifier that will rekt one of us

Ugh im confusing myself

Btw Celeste is confirmed guys I didn’t get a loud message when visited by them so they can’t be a evil doctor:

Honestly I would go for sam, @GamerPoke give Celeste the double vote and someone else. Not me.

Sam it is tbh, because they have to be confirmed evil because I checked insanity and they are investigative meaning they can’t be the doctor WHO somejow guessed everything.

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Hm k

Heres to hoping you’re right

/vote Sam

/Vote Sam

@Insanity get here soon

*Would be fucking salty if you had the traitor modI

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i mean mafia would have won 3 v 3 but since I would be a lost wolf I would refuse to vote

Also FK Im kinda wondering why no scum tried to attack you yet tbh

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Fairly certain that Sam17z got hammered.

Yeah he did

Ici, Me + a vote, FK

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
Sam17z Icibalus, Firekitten, Margaret 4/4

Sam17z has been hammered, flip incoming!

The town, in a desperate frenzy to find the last few evil-doers, burned Sam17z, a man with a fair level of admiration towards two other citizens here, at the stake.

Sam17z was…

The Bulletproof and Miller Guardian

Neutral Support
Bulletproof (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night for the first three nights.
Miller (Passive) - You will be seen as a member of the Mafia to Sheriffs and as a Killer-type to Detectives and Consiglieres.
Avowed (Passive) - Your targets are ??? and ???.
Failure (Passive) - If both your targets die then you will commit suicide the next night.
Guardian Angel (Night Action) - Heals your target and cures any maladies afflicting them. - 3 2 uses
Your objective is to make sure at least one of your targets survive until the end of the match.

No logs were found from him.

Night falls, along with the hopes of town bringing the malefactors to justice.