Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

You are not surprised with what ? I clearly didn’t understand your post

This post really. I think what he said fits in perfectly with the doesn’t trust scumreading persona he’s putting forth, yet you seem genuine in your suspicion. I was just getting reactions.

The second part of the sentence also feels like an attempt to buddy.

/vote Luxy

Let’s just wait till night falls. Scum reading d1based with little evidence hurts town more than it helps them.

So you say I seem genuine but then vote me? It is valid to question captain about the interaction between over and htm.

No, it does not. Maybe you should trust all the experienced forum players here that it’s actually useful and try it yourself. You’d be surprised.

I’m guessing towns Winrate is around 90percent then?

You seem genuine in your intent to lynch Over, whereas I only get town vibes from reading his posts. It’s easy to push a mislynch on a new player like that.

It was before they removed a lot of the mechanical feedback.

I never even voted him, how am I trying to get him lynched? I’m pointing out that him saying that you’re trying to shift blame onto them is plain wrong.

inb4 solic tries to gain my trust towards him by defending me

I’ll concede somewhat on the first point, but the buddying still pings me.

I will assume you have Bulletproof modifier here .-.

why would you ever say that

I don’t know.

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Buddying with you I assume? I mean, of course I’m gonna state my opinion that i didn’t like over’s post and that your questions towards were justified but ok

do you at least understand why saying that out loud instead of just thinking it is bad



/vote CarnivalMaster