Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

There are some mods that prevent me

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
Luxy Sam17z, Solic 2/9
Overthebin HTM 1/9
Firekitten Hippolytus 1/9
Captain Firekitten, CarnivalMaster 2/9
Insanity Captain 1/9
Solic Overthebin 1/9
GamerPoke Luxy 1/9
Hippolytus Marluxion 1/9

HTM is Lynchproof, ergo cannot be lynched until the fourth day.

So you’re saying multiple mods are preventing you from voting him instead of just one mod?

I think I found the reason why.

Innovative or Decisive?

You can still vote anyone you want if you’re decesive, but your vote stays there for the rest of the day.

Then in conclusion, I think he/she has the Innovative mod.

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It sounds like Gamer has another mod that prevents them from voting Captain. I do agree with the theory that they have the Innovative mod, but what else could they have?

We can’t find out his other mod without going into the night.

I only have 1 mod stopping me but since there were more that could stop me, I just said some

Why did you think it was a good idea to lie about how many mods you have that affect your voting?

Sarun told me you are scum. He mod slipped it to me

/vote Gamerpoke

He didnt cause I am not scum and I did not lie, I just didnt say which mod it was because I didnt wanna out it

I shall go read earlier posts now

It is a part of one of the bastard bastard things

It’s easy to figure it out, so there was no use hiding it
/vote GamerPoke

Except scum can use my mod to prevent me from voting

But scum that have that mod can use it as an excuse to not vote up one of their buddies. Hell, they can even fake having it to use the excuse as well

Lets test it out, /vote Luxy

@Alice can we get the VC

Okay so imma be a bit busy for this game but know that I am confirmed town and anyone who votes me is guaranteed to be scum.

k bye.