Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

I healed you

I actually know this for a fact.

You literally messed up.

No you didn’t, one of your buddies did probably but you didn’t.

I know as a fact I healed you and why do you say I am not doctor

this is the shittest meta read I’ve ever seen unironically

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Because you aren’t, you literally can’t be a doctor.

I healed you, ask for a cc please. No one will cc unless bin healed yout oo

also this is a lolreactiontest isn’t it @Sam17z

Why can’t I be a doctor?

Uhuh, so are you going to claim Miller now or later…

No I am actually serious.

Ok… well then I guess the reason I push Ici is because I am a miller and I doubt that Ici is too

Why didn’t you push hippo for that reason before then?

Hippo claimed miller? Must have missed it

I… I literally quoted the post where he did

Sure you did.

half of me wants to deathtunnel Sam and the other half of me wants to derpclear him

Sam if you were Miller you would of claimed D1

Why would have I claimed d1?

But I still doubt you are miller tbh